Fstoppers Original Articles
Exclusive articles and expert opinions written by Fstoppers’ talented team of creative professionals. Here we cover everything from the latest photographic techniques to advice on running a successful photography business, to first hand accounts of working in the photography industry.
[Free Video] Preview The Art Behind The Headshot With Peter Hurley
The response Peter Hurley's downloadable tutorial The Art Behind The Headshot has been receiving over the last few months has been unbelievable. Peter's technique has changed the way so many photographers approach working with models, and it's apparent by his facebook group that photographers of all skill levels are taking the best headshots in their portfolios. So we have decided to release one free lesson from the DVD for those of you who might still be on the fence. Peter's knowledge is expensive sure, but it's guaranteed to change the way you shoot headshots for the rest of your career. We believe in this so much that if you don't think your headshots are any better after watching 4 hours of Peter's instructions we will give you your money back guaranteed!
[Contest Entry] Projecting Shapes Of Light On A Model NSFW
[Video] Fstoppers Original: The Tree Spirit Project, Nudes In Nature
A week ago today, a friend of mine introduced me to environmental art photographer Jack Gescheidt. Minutes after talking with Jack about his Tree Spirit Project I knew I had to share his work with the Fstoppers community. Jack's photographs are unlike anything I've ever seen; yet even while they appear rather innocent, they still somehow strike up a bit of controversy. In a nutshell, the Tree Spirit Project is as much about bringing attention to ecological injustice as much as it is about evoking an almost spiritual experience for Jack and those posing in the photographs (yes he has posed in his own images). By allowing both groups and individuals to pose naked on and around trees that are involved in political and ecological debate, Jack has not only found a way to create amazing art but also unite communities together who value their natural surroundings. Recently Jack was in Charleston, South Carolina where he caused a huge media frenzy as he posed more than a dozen people naked around the Angel Oak (claimed to be the oldest living thing east of the Mississippi). Check out Jack Gescheidt's story below and click the full post to see a few images of his work. NOTE: while Jack's work doesn't always contain full frontal nudity, it still might be Not Safe For Work. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did and click here for many more photos of Jack's amazing work.
A Moving Moment, A Different Type Of Wedding Video
Use An iPhone To Record High Quality Audio For Your Videos
Fstoppers Is Giving Away An Apple Macbook Air Through Twitter!
How To Tether Your Camera To An Ipad Without Jailbreaking
Shoot, Print, And Frame A Massive Peter Lik Style Photograph On A Budget
If you have seen Peter Lik's work in person then you understand that it's impossible to put into words the look and quality of his prints. Peter's photography (and his post production) is fantastic, but what really makes his work stand out is his printing and presentation. If his images were printed on standard photo paper at a standard size, his work would not have the same "wow" factor.
Fstoppers Original: The Stolen Scream
What if you took a set of images that became so popular that it was used hundreds of times all around the world by hundreds of artists, businesses, websites, and publications? As photographers, it's what we all dream about but what if you were never paid for your work? What if you weren't even given credit? What if your images were stolen for years and you never had any idea? If there was ever a video to share, this is it. This is Noam Galai's story.
...Using the Healing Brush and Patch Tool: An Fstoppers Post Production Tutorial by Sean Armenta
Pen Tool Basics: An Fstoppers Post Production Tutorial by Sean Armenta
Fstoppers Original: The Wakeboard Studio Shoot
Fstoppers Original: The Studio Wakeboard Shoot from FStoppers on Vimeo.
Enhancing The Eyes: An Fstoppers Post Production Tutorial By Sean Armenta
Fstoppers Nikon Pocket Wizard FlexTT5, MiniTT1, And AC3 Review
How To Directly Tether Your Camera To An iPad By Lee Morris
How To Directly Tether Your Camera To An iPad By Lee Morris from FStoppers on Vimeo.
Fstoppers Original: David Bergman Photographs Bon Jovi
Fstoppers Original: David Bergman Photographs Bon Jovi from FStoppers on Vimeo.
Fstoppers Original: Lee Morris Shoots Oak Steakhouse
Fstoppers Original: Lee Morris Shoots Oak Steakhouse from FStoppers on Vimeo.
The iPhone Fashion Shoot By Lee Morris
Fstoppers Original: Eric Bradshaw Revisited
Fstoppers Quicky: David Oppenheimer Shoots Jay Z At Bonnaroo
Fstoppers Original: Peter Hurley exposes the perfect headshot
Fstoppers Original: King Street Studios Shoots Charleston Fashion Week
Fstoppers Original: Dave Lehl, Snowboard Photographer
UK Photographer James Karinejad Makes A Pretty Mess
James Karinejad is a commercial product photographer out of Edgware, North London and his work is probably best described as clean yet imaginative. Some of the clients he has worked with have included Dolce & Gabbana, Pizza Hut, Clarins, and Addison Lee. It's also interesting to note that James made the transition to stills by first working in video.
I have always enjoyed watching these product shoots because the lighting required to make a product look desirable is often very different than the lighting needed to make a face or figure look good. In this video James...