Check out Chris milk's interpretation of what a man's life flashes before his eyes looks like in Last Day Dream. Filmed in a 1st person POV, this intriguing video did a wonderful job of high lighting someones life and showing it in under a minute. I've always been fascinated by POV videos and this video has a such a awesome story line. This video shows that you don't always need a expensive equipment to create such a inspiring and unique video, but that creativity can go a long way. Chris filmed all of this with a Canon 5D mk ii and Lensbaby lenses.
Thomas Ingersoll is a internationally published photographer. He is an expert with strobes but loves to use natural light as well. Thomas has a very clean and polished look to his work. Being very well rounded with fashion, fitness, portraits, and action sports, he is always up to conquer any challenge.
credits make up for half of the film.
just sayin'
This was part of an amazing film festival in Beijing where the actual films were only allowed to be 42 seconds long. To continue the theme they invited 42 directors to participate.
So there it a point to the longer credits to the film, the director still wanted to give credit to everyone while participating in this festival. I wish I could find he festival site again some of the other films were amazing as well.
I just loved this because of the ability to tell a complete life in 42 seconds and move you emotionally.