[Video] What Did We Do Before Adobe Illustrator?

Before switching over to photography in college, I studied Graphic Design. I've always had an appreciation for typography and still do to this day. Today, changing size, color, typeface, etc. can all be done in a matter of seconds. Paul Collier, Letterpress and Typography Technician at Plymouth University shows us the beauty of what we did before Illustrator and InDesign. A short film by Danny Cooke. Thank you for submitting this is us!

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I for one hope this skill never dies, there something about hand printed paper that feels special in a world of computer printed stuff. There's a guy that live's a few door up from me that has hand printing equipment that nearly 200 years old. He still prints leaflets on it.

Beautifully crafted story. Thanks for sharing!

wow.... i've been in printing for 34 years, and I have used a few of those machines.... the letterpress from the archive where the guy was standing in front of what appears to be some medieval torture contraption was either a Kluge or a Chandler&Price printing press.... I have logged thousands of hours on one of those in my early years..... you literally become one with the machine, the sound of the thing beats out perfect rhythm where your arms and fingers are inches away from certain destruction, but after a while, you can knock out over 100 prints every 5 minutes...... I recall days on end where I would spend 8 hours at a time with it..... grueling to a point, but once you find the equilibrium with the machine, its almost like a dance that ensues and your mind can wander to a certain extent.... but not too far. And you definitely don't want to be around the thing after a heavy night of partying...... YIKES!!! ... but I was guilty of that too often......

I really loved the end where Danny typesets and presses his web address. Ironic in a way.

I learned while visiting South Korea, that their Buddhist monks invented movable type some 600 years before Gutenberg.


Thank you

this might be an old process but i like it.