Anthony Chang's picture

The Light of the Night

Well I got to say this shot turned out much better then I originally thought hahaha. I mean just look at all those stars. So yea yesterdays photo is a little late, didn't really have any ideas of what to do and when 10pm rolled around I figured I might as well get out and shoot something. I kind of took a nap and slept most of the day and I didn't want to set something up at home so I just decided since it was a clear sky last night that I would go out and do a night photo. The thought of this just randomly came up while I was packing up, I was originally thinking of doing some kind of self portrait where I'm searching for something with a flashlight, but I wasn't sure how well a flashlight would work so I figured my flash would work. Then I thought maybe I should just use three flashes and use the old staff of light and see if I could get some kind of ray of light. And turns out with three flashes at full power zoomed out to 105mm you can get a decent ray of light at night. So I have to say there was a little bit of post work on this, I pretty much doubled the amount of stars that were originally in this shot. After shooting this I took a second exposure of just the sky and in post just set that layer to lighten to get just the stars in the shot. Thats just the gist of it really, plus some usual colour work, I also added to the curvature of this hill in post as well. So yea pretty awesome shot in my mind.

Strobist Info
2x Nikon SB-800 + Nikon SB-80DX all on a monopod with a tri-flash bracket, all firing at full power zoomed in at 105mm.

Title for this photo is a reference to the song "Now I'm Here" by Queen.

28mm · f/2 · 2sec · ISO 1600
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