David Russell's picture

Old Faithful - Golden Pine

Caledonian Pines are a widespread pine species that are the primary tree species of 'Caledonian Forest'. These beautiful patches of ancient woodland are the last remnants of the great forest that once covered Scotland.

This is a location that I feel at peace. I go there often both with a camera and without. I've spent nights sleeping here beneath the branches, evenings and mornings watching the sun coming and going and lain out watching the stars in winter.

Of all those occasions this image is my favourite. You often have mist in the morning here in the Highlands during late Autumn and winter, but it rarely hangs around longer than an hour or two after sunrise. This time, I turned up around noon, wondering what the heck I was doing there on a dull midwinter's day.

I found that nature still had plenty of surprises left for me. As I headed down to my usual lair a thick mist rolled across the view as the sun came breaking out from under the clouds in the south. The light was perfect, and I was glad I did not have to look around for a good composition. I knew exactly which tree I wanted and ran through the trees to 'Old Faithful' - a lovely mature pine that stands in a clearing overlooked by the Cairngorms. It was then a simple job of composing the shot.

I do live for those moments when nature takes your breath away, and this was surely one. As long as I look, I may never find those conditions again.

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