Alan Brown's picture

Channel markers part 1

Stunted pine trees mark safe passage for vessels entering a Cape Cod harbor.The surreal reality of living trees surviving in such a harsh, salt-water environment gives pause for thought and an appreciation of the wonders of nature. Reducing the artwork to monochrome enhances the sense of composition and provides an ethereal feel that befits the subject matter.

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This is blowing me away. The composition is stellar, and your silver monochrome color choice is spot on. While the scene is bizarre and ethereal, it reminds me of any number of familiar seascapes - and desertscapes - I've seen.

(Okay - I'm not sure that any photograph not made by Ansel Adams can properly be compared to to any photograph that was made by Ansel Adams. And even if one could be, I doubt that I would be the right person to attempt it. That said, this image does bring Ansel Adams to mind a bit.)

Thanks so much for your generous comments Evelyn. I am both humbled and very appreciative.


BIG thanks for your kind feedback on this image Eugene. I am very appreciative.

Comment long overdue, Alan - a wonderful image. Evelyn put it well. The scene is rather unreal, yet expresses such tranquility. The perfectly balanced composition, from horizon placement to the disposition of the markers, is indeed crucial to this, one of the image's central strengths.

Thanks Chris, your insightful comments are always welcome.


Thanks Vijay!