Robert Henderson's picture

Bateleur Beauty

With its dark plumage, red face and red feet, the Bateleur is one of the most distinctive and beautiful raptors in Africa. We found this very cooperative bird sitting in a tree at the edge of the Zambezi River in the Lower Zambezi National Park in Zambia.

I used a Canon EOS 7D Mark II with a Canon 200 - 400mm f/4L IS USM EXT lens. The exposure settings were 1/1250 sec at f/5.6, ISO 100, 560 mm, hand held.

Canon 7D Mark II
560 mm · f/5.6 · 1/1250 sec · ISO 100
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Very good portrait, perfectly lit and offset against the white background. The tones of the bird are very well achieved and saturated.
Congratulations and my like.

Thanks Mariano! Bob Henderson :-)