Paul Kister's picture

Seek and See all that Marvels

I found a huge patch of Sacred Datura shaded by a stand of Cottonwood trees sheltered by tall narrow canyon walls. Sunrise had come and gone expect in this deep canyon. I cannot believe how vigorous this patch was, no droop or sag to the large leaves, the blossoms flourished as if they had just unfurled. Immediately I began scouting for subjects to photograph. I did know how long these blooms would last or before the sun would peep over the canyon wall. Minutes, an hour or two? I walked the perimeter several solitary flowers, no not what I’m looking for but I didn’t want to be too hasty. In the patch I noticed a couple of clusters of flowers. I carefully entered the patch, wary of plant and fauna that may be sheltered below the thigh deep canopy.
As I went along I began marking promising subjects by leaving my tripod setup before exploring other prospects. Found another promising cluster duh! Didn’t think this through I was plum out of tripods. I took my bandana and draped it over the leaves. Retrieving the tripod I pause long enough an image before my next subject. I cannot recall how many setups I did but I do know I worked that patch for hours till I was near physically exhausted and mentally spent but more important visually gratified with this image.

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Extraordinary composition, texture and color.
Congratulations and my like.

Mariano. Thank you for your comment and like