Mariano San José González's picture

Real guard house in London

At a time when the sun came out, I was able to catch this soldier against the light. The problem is that I couldn't get him to look at me, but after about twenty photos to get his attention, he was already a little nervous, and finally in the last three photos he looked directly at me, although with an unfriendly face. I took the photos in spot metering and left before they took me to the cell, hehehe (laughs)

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Love it. How did you get the blackness?

Hello Pedro. I took the photo against the light. Use the camera with spot metering to lights. In the post-processing with Photoshop I applied light to the light areas and darkened all the black areas, which is not too difficult, especially for me who is quite clumsy with computers. I hope I have helped you and I remain at your disposal in case you have any questions.

Brilliant. I would never have thought of that. Striking image!

A striking image. I wonder what it would look like if you slightly lightened the face?