Frank Ginn's picture

Tribute to a Friend

It was very early summer here about 8pm the sun was setting and I was closing the front door, but when I looked out I saw this wonderful light hitting the thousands of red berries on the bushes across the street, I grabbed my camera and headed out to the scene. I got a few clicks of the berries but there was this rose on the other side of the bushes that appeared to have a golden spot light on it. I quickly walked around to place the purple allium behind it for a colorful background. this is that shot as the spotlight faded over the distant hill.
I printed one for my wall and another for the lady who grew the flower in her yard, she was totally unaware I was out shooting her flower from the sidewalk. She was a wonderful neighbor, always a smile, loved to converse by the communal mailbox, She was so surprised to get
this gift from me of "HER Rose from HER GARDEN" on what I believe was her 103rd! I do believe she loved it as much as I do.It was a small thing to do, kind of like the plate of cookies she brought over when we moved in!
What a Wonderful Neighbor and Friend !

Nikon D850
420mm · f/5.6 · 1/500 sec. · ISO 250
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