How to Use the New Photoshop Sky Replacement Features

Earlier this month, Adobe updated the sky replacement features in Photoshop CC. This feature can make an image pop or make it look over-processed and fake. Make sure you know how to get the best out of this powerful Photoshop feature and create strong, realistic images.

Photoshop recently updated its sky replacement features. In this video, PiXimperfect take a look at a few new features and explores the sky packs provided with this update. There are also great tips on how to match skies better and a comparison between Photoshop's sky replacement and Luminar's.

Adobe keeps cramming new features into their Creative Cloud suite of software; there are so many powerful features, which can be intimidating to beginners. In his usual style, PiXimperfect breaks down how to use the sky replacement features, how to add new skies, and tips on how to create realistic reflections so your image looks more realistic.

Photoshop has become a fundamental part of modern photography. Whether you love it or hate it, the lines between retouching, enhancing, and creating digital art have become blurred.

Have you used the new sky replacement features? Do you think this type of retouching is too much or simply another way to enhance your images? Let me know in the comments.

Brad Wendes's picture

Brad Wendes is a British photographer and travel lover.
He began photographing parkour and acrobatics in 2010 and has since taken to portraiture and fitness photography.
Brad is a self-confessed geek, Star Wars fan, tech enthusiast, cat lover and recently converted Apple Fanboy.

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