Quick Photoshop Tricks for Instant Photo Improvements

When your photos don’t quite capture the scene as you remember it, quick fixes in Photoshop can make all the difference. 

Coming to you from Unmesh Dinda with PiXimperfect, this practical video offers five straightforward Photoshop tricks that can instantly improve your photos. One of the first tips Dinda shares is how to quickly correct color issues using the Curves adjustment layer. By accessing the Auto Options within Curves and selecting “Snap Neutral Midtones,” you can neutralize color casts in just a few clicks. This method is especially useful for photos taken in less-than-ideal lighting, where colors may appear overly blue or warm. Dinda also shows how to enhance the effect by adding warmth selectively using a Color Lookup adjustment layer. The result is a photo that looks balanced and natural, without the need for complex editing techniques.

Dinda continues with a simple yet effective way to create a spotlight effect that draws attention to your subject. By using Curves to darken the surrounding areas and then masking out the subject, you can easily guide the viewer’s eye to the focal point of your image. This trick is particularly handy when you want to emphasize a person or object in your photo without making the edit look too obvious. The process is quick, but the impact on the overall composition is significant, making it a valuable tool in your editing arsenal.

Another valuable tip from the video is how to boost colors naturally using a saturation mask. Instead of simply cranking up the saturation, which can result in harsh and unrealistic colors, Dinda demonstrates how to create a saturation mask that enhances colors more evenly across the image. This technique allows you to intensify the vibrancy of your photo while maintaining a natural look, avoiding the oversaturation that can sometimes plague images edited too aggressively. That's just the beginning, so check out the video above for the full rundown from Dinda.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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