Easy Fixes for Common Photo Mistakes Using Photoshop

Every photographer encounters issues like motion blur or exposure mishaps, and it’s not always possible to fix them in-camera. Fortunately, Photoshop offers powerful tools to correct these common problems.

Coming to you from Unmesh Dinda with PiXimperfect, this comprehensive video breaks down seven common mistakes and how to correct them in Photoshop. From motion blur to overexposure, Dinda explains the steps needed to bring your photos back to life. One example involves motion blur, where he walks you through sharpening the image using Smart Sharpen. He highlights the importance of adjusting the angle and radius to match the direction of the blur. This method is helpful when you're dealing with images that looked fine in-camera but reveal unwanted softness upon closer inspection.

Another key issue discussed is missed focus, which happens often when shooting fast-moving subjects or in low light. Dinda demonstrates how to use sharpening techniques in Photoshop to fix this problem. By selectively applying sharpness to the areas that need it most—like the eyes—you can recover detail without over-sharpening the rest of the image. This targeted approach keeps the natural look of the photo while correcting the critical focus.

Dinda also explores tools like Camera Raw to correct overexposure and bring back detail in highlights. Using simple adjustments like decreasing highlights or adjusting exposure, he shows how easy it is to retrieve lost details in blown-out areas. This process also works in reverse to lift shadows in underexposed areas, ensuring that the full range of tones is visible in your final image.

For more complex issues, such as low-resolution images or significant blurring, Dinda suggests using external plugins like Topaz Photo AI. In the video, he compares the results from Photoshop’s native tools with those from Topaz Photo AI, demonstrating how much of a difference the plugin can make. The automatic detection and correction features in Topaz simplify the process, especially for beginners looking for a quicker solution to common problems. Check out the video above for the full rundown from Dinda.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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