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How to Deal With Moiré Quickly and Easily Using Lightroom

Moiré is that really annoying thing that happens when fine patterns seem to produce a rainbow (frequently purple and green) of bizarre colors that clearly don't belong to the actual object. This video will show you how to quickly and easily deal with it using Lightroom.

Lumenzia V6 Released With Over 130 New Features

Lumenzia is probably the most used luminosity masking tool by photographers. It has been improving since its launch, and with the latest version, it is faster and offers lots of new features.

Creating Minimalist Landscape Photographs With Sand Dunes

Right now, a lot of the trends in landscape photography revolve around vibrant, ornate, and complicated images that showcase a multitude of aspects of scene, and while there's certainly nothing wrong with that, there are other styles as well. This great video explores creating minimalist compositions using sand dunes.

Join One of the Biggest U.S. Photo Contests of the Year

Every year, through Share the Experience, hundreds of thousands of people have the opportunity to participate in one of the longest running and highest profile photography contests. The contest for 2018 just recently opened, and will be accepting submissions until December 31, 2018, but there's no time like now to join in fun.

Three Helpful Tips for Finding Great Portrait Locations Near You

Finding good portrait locations can be a bit of a challenge, particularly if you don't live in a sprawling metropolis with numerous options waiting to be explored. This helpful video will give you three tips to have a better chance of finding great portrait locations.

The Travel Photographer’s Gear Guide

Do you have plans to travel but are unsure what gear to take with you? This experienced travel photographer shares his list of gear that he brings on every trip.

Seven Tips for Filming Instagram-Friendly Product and Fashion Videos

Brands big and small, new and established, are heavily investing in Instagram influencers to market their products. This has opened up a relatively new market for the working videographer, and here are my top seven tips to the production of Instagram-friendly video ads.

Top 10 WeeklyFstop Photos: Play

The theme play was a perfect follow up to last week's work. Fstoppers readers delivered another diverse batch of photos worthy of some love.

How to Create Drama in Your Edits Using Lightroom

Creating drama with your edits can be challenging, especially if you are short on time and don’t have the resources to sit in Photoshop all day editing a single photo. Using this technique has simplified my workflow and enabled me to make images stand out with very little effort.

TIME Magazine's New Cover Was Made With 958 Drones

TIME Magazine's weekly cover is famous as a visual representation of current culture. What better place to display today’s “upper” technology: the drone (958 of them, to be exact)?

Capture All the Details of a Scene Using HDR

Real estate and architectural photographers are familiar with the challenges of shooting an indoor location during broad daylight. The sunshine pours in through windows, and, without a truckload of studio lights to brighten the space, it's impossible to capture everything your eye sees in a single image. That's where this intro to HDR comes in handy.

Shoot for Yourself and Your Clients, Not Other Photographers

The Internet is wonderful and terrible and I love it and hate it. With easy access to the opinions of thousands of people, it can be easy to get sucked into trying to please other photographers out there instead of the people you should be focusing on: yourself and your clients.

Three Easy Hacks to Help Make Your Still Life Photography Stand Out

Still life photography is usually thought to be simple and easy at first. But you'll quickly find out that arranging and composing your objects properly is crucial to making an image go from mediocre to great. Here are some easy guidelines to follow to get you there.

Three Lightroom Shortcuts That Will Save You Time

You probably use Lightroom because of the efficiency in processing batches of images, which in turn frees up more of your valuable time. But why use the software without the convenience of its many shortcuts, which save you time and make your work easier?

Improve Your Epic Drone Photography With These Five Tips

I love my Mavic. Having flown with drones for a couple of years I have to admit that little machine made photography even more fun. It also improved my photography, my vision, my ability to pre-visualize scenes and it increased the production value of my videos tremendously.

A Quick and Easy Way to Color Grade Images in Photoshop

Adding to or accentuating the color tones in an image is a very effective way of telling a story, eliciting an emotion, or strengthening the aesthetic. In this short walkthrough, I'll explain how I can speedily color grade my images.

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