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Christopher Malcolm
Los Angeles, CA

Articles written by Christopher Malcolm

Three Serious Lessons for Artists From a Film About Laughter

The best part about creating personal projects is the opportunity to grow in a pressure-free environment. I just finished shooting such a project with a couple of friends, and the lessons I learned at “play” turned out to be the kind I’ll be sure to use in my work.

What Is The Artist's Responsibility In Times Of Struggle?

As my hometown of Los Angeles continues to combat historic fires, my thoughts have once again been drawn to the age-old question posed by artists throughout time: What is the role of artists in times of strife?

How Do You Define a Flagship Camera?

In our never-ending search for the perfect camera, we often bandy around a common term to describe the ultimate in performance: flagship. But what really is a “flagship” camera?

Nikon Z9 Adds Shutter Angle Option For Filmmakers

As press releases go, this one was brief. But short can sometimes be significant, as Nikon announced today a new version of firmware that brings to its mirrorless cameras a staple of the film industry: shutter angle.

Thoughts on The FUJIFILM GFX Eterna Filmmaking Camera Development Announcement

This week, Fujifilm announced the development of a new camera designed with filmmakers in mind, the Fujifilm GFX Eterna. The camera builds on Fuji’s GFX line of medium format still cameras but will be focused on video capture and is aimed at independent filmmakers and documentarians.