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taylor boggs

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Create a Movie Trailer Voice in Adobe Audition

This video shows how to record your voice directly in Adobe Audition and then tweak it to sound like the guy you've heard with that famous movie trailer voice.

Check out This Creative One Dollar Lighting Setup

"Gear isn't everything." We seasoned pros say it all the time, but often when standing under a pair Profoto B1 flash heads, so it can be hard to swallow for some. Well, if ever you needed convincing, this might just do the trick.

How to Do Your First Professional Photoshoot

We all have to start somewhere. Taking on that first job can be very intimidating, so here are some tips to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.

How to Color Grade Using Luminosity Masks

Zoë Noble's work has been featured in Vogue Arabia, Harper’s Bazaar Arabia and ELLE Japan, and she has shot commercial campaigns for L'Oréal Paris, Vichy, and Etsy. Check out her awesome technique for color grading in this video.

How to Set Better, More Attainable Creative Goals for Yourself

So, we're a couple weeks into the new year, which is normally about the time we all start to give up on those resolutions we made. That can happen for any number of reasons, most often the goals simply being too lofty or grandiose to be reasonably worked toward. This great video examines how to set better goals to help yourself develop more as a creative.

How to Create Mystery and Tell a Story With Minimalism in Landscape Photography

Minimalism is a nuanced animal: if you really nail it, the clarity and sheer power of your expression is palpable, whereas if you miss your mark, the photo looks empty and devoid of meaning. The tough part is that the line between these two is razor thin. This helpful video will discuss what makes a successful minimalistic landscape photograph.

How Developing a Niche in Photography Can Help You Turn Pro

Almost every hobbyist photographer has considered making the transition to full-time professional. Similarly, almost every professional photographer has made that transition from hobbyist to professional. There are myriad factors why that career move isn't always possible and a great deal of them stem from the central notion of money, or lack thereof. Whether you want to organically build your photography from hobby to side-hustle and then to a career or you merely want to improve you earnings in any of those categories, developing a niche can make a crucial difference.

Ten Photoshop Tricks to Improve Any Photo

The beauty of being a photographer and using a tool like Photoshop is that you can learn new ways of editing that can speed up your workflow or make it easier to do. I can even take it as far as saying I don't think the creators of Photoshop know every single way of editing a photo, as it depends on the style of you, the photographer, and what you want to portray in your image. Nathaniel Dodson from Tutvid recently released a video showcasing 10 tricks that I didn't know, and I think will be very useful to add to my workflow and skill set when it comes to producing work for a client.

How to Find Your Landscape Photography Style

One of the toughest personal self-searching processes a photographer will go through is defining their style. Many of us will latch on to a composition or a color palette, sometimes by accident, that isn't really defining but is a part of our learning process as photographers. Eventually we learn what we like or value in a photograph and as we create, this becomes our style. But, can you define your style and explain it to someone else or even yourself?

How to Really Make Hair Pop by Adding Shine, Color, and Volume in Photoshop

When you're retouching a portrait, I'm willing to bet that you spend the majority of your time working on the subject's face, because, well, it's a portrait. Nonetheless, your subject's face isn't the only part of them, and with a little extra work on their hair, you can really make the entire image pop. This great video will show you how to do exactly that.

Shooting Landscape Images That Tell a Story

Shooting landscape images can be a bit difficult in a certain sense sometimes, as you have no control over your subject or even the lighting, which can make it difficult to know what you want to say with an image and then to say it. This great video examines the topic of telling stories through one's landscape imagery.

Make Your Instagram Photos Pop Using Adjustment Layers in Photoshop

Adjustment Layers are probably one of the most useful, and most used tools in Photoshop. It's one of the best ways to keep a non-destructive editing workflow in place and offers additional features such as blending modes to add exciting effects to your images. With all this in mind, why don't we see how we can use it to make our Instagram images stand out more?

Follow a Photoshoot From Conception to Finished Image

We're lucky to live in an age when learning photography is easier than ever, but normally, educational content tends to focus on specific techniques or ideas. While that's generally fine, sometimes, it's helpful to see the entire creative process from start to finish to understand why different steps were taken and different decisions were made. This helpful video will show you just that.

How to Shoot and Edit Natural Looking Holiday Home Photos

Real estate photography, while not the sexiest of photography genres, is quite accessible and a handy way to earn some cash, especially if your starting out. Many interior design and architectural photographers cut their teeth taking photos for estate agents and holiday home companies, but much of the high volume stuff looks way too flashy. In this article I'll show you a relatively easy way to get natural looking light without blown-out windows.

'Create Only What You Can Create': A Look at How to Grow as a Photographer

Photography, perhaps by virtue of the medium and its readily accessible nature, is a pursuit often learned by copying the work of others at least to a degree. This great video examines the importance of finding an original creative voice and being brave enough to show it to the world.

Feminists Take Action Against Sexist Billboards

A group of masked feminist campaigners in Paris is taking direct action in protest against sexist advertising. Brigade Antisexiste is an anonymous collective of activists who meet regularly in order to graffiti and undermine billboards and other printed adverts that are considered demeaning.

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