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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

How Nostalgia Can Hurt Your Photography

Nostalgia is an incredibly powerful feeling that often guides the way we express ourselves through our work. But the effect it has isn't always good, and it is important to be aware of how it can change your images in very tangible ways. This interesting video dives deep into the phenomenon and examines how it can impact your own photos.

JPEGmini Now Available as a Plug-in for Capture One

The creators of JPEGmini, the popular photo-resizing application and plug-in for Lightroom and Photoshop, have announced that the plug-in is now available for Capture One as well. This brings the remarkable compression features of JPEGmini directly into the application, making it easier and more efficient for photographers using Capture One to create images at vastly reduced sizes.

Instagram Deletes Dozens of Accounts With Millions of Followers Without Warning

Instagram recently deleted dozens of accounts, some with up to 13 million followers, in a mass purge that focused on meme accounts. The company did not give any explanation for the suspensions beyond "violations of terms of service," but there are several theories as to why the accounts were removed.

Here's What Photoshop Was Like in 1988

You might not realize it, but Photoshop has entered its fourth decade of existence, and in those many years, it has had a lot of time to evolve into the highly intricate and powerful application it is today. Ever wonder what it was like to use in its early days? Check out this awesome video that shows what it was like working with a version released in 1988.

Sometimes, Waiting on Good Conditions Is Overrated

It is common in landscape photography (and other genres) to want to wait for the best conditions before heading out to shoot, but sometimes, that can make you miss other great shots. This awesome video talks about the importance of not becoming too reliant on conditions and instead learning to rely on your skills to make great shots.

Make Photoshop's Content-Aware Fill More Powerful Using This Technique

Photoshop's Content-Aware Fill feature is a highly powerful way to quickly and convincingly fill in small or large patches of an image or to remove unwanted objects. It is not always perfect, but with this helpful tutorial, you can get a lot more mileage out of its functionality.

Using a Less Common Modifier for Single Light Portraits

Portrait photographers normally have a go-to light modifier they prefer from the standard array and might work with two or three lights to completely sculpt the light as they see fit. However, this neat video shows the awesome results you can get by using a lesser-known modifier as your only light source.

The Hidden Treasures in Shooting Plain Landscapes Close to Home

Landscape photography often aims to capture grand scenes full of drama and beauty, but what if you don’t have a convenient mountain just outside your back door? This great video follows a photographer as he shoots storms near his home and deals with the challenge of a flat and generally featureless landscape.

Pocket Powerhouse: A First Look at the Sony RX100 VII

The Sony RX100 VII is the latest iteration of the company’s powerful pocket cameras, and it brings some massive upgrades to the table. Is it the right do-it-all camera for you to take everywhere? This great first look video seeks to answer that exact question.

How Does Climate Change Art?

You might think that when a piece of art is finished, it is done in every sense of the word, now a static object — unchanging, permanent forever. But it’s anything but; in fact, all art is fleeting when you place it on the timescales our planet runs on. Just how do climate and art interact? What can art tell us about climate, particularly as it continues to be at the forefront of discussions of the future of humanity?

These Are the Worst Photographers You Know

Let’s face it: photographers can be a fairly annoying and infuriating bunch. We have all met a photographer who simply annoys the living daylights out of us. This funny and lighthearted pokes fun at the most common types of those photographers.

The Professional-Level Canon Mirrorless Body Is on Its Way

So far, Canon seems to be focusing the majority of their wow factor on the lenses in their mirrorless line, creating some truly unique glass with incredible optical quality. On the other hand, their mirrorless bodies have sat more firmly in the midrange market, but that may be about to change, as a professional-level mirrorless body is likely on its way next year.

Watch What Happens When a Photographer and Model Switch Roles

As photographers, we might spend our entire lives behind the camera without ever experiencing what it is really like to be the one in front of it. This fun and interesting video follows a photographer and model as they switch roles to see just how difficult life is on opposite sides of the camera.

10 Camera Settings You Should Always Think About Changing

Modern cameras are remarkably capable machines, and with all those capabilities come a veritable plethora of options, features, and customizations, and it's well worth taking the time to explore them to customize your camera and make it work better for your personal shooting style and needs. This excellent video discusses 10 settings you should consider changing on your camera.

Instagrammers Hospitalized After Jumping Into Poisonous Lake

We often see stories of photographers or social media influencers falling into danger in order to get some shot, and this is just the latest in that trend. Several Instagrammers became seriously ill after jumping into a highly toxic lake in Spain.

What Was Your First Wedding Photography Experience Like?

Wedding photography is a notoriously difficult genre, full of numerous challenges of all sorts. This can make your first wedding quite the scary experience, but it also often makes for a good story! This fun video follows a photographer as he shares the story of his first wedding.

How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Photo Equipment

Photography equipment is hardly cheap, and it's important to properly maintain it so it can last longer and you can maximize the return on your investment. This great video will show you everything you need to know to properly maintain all of your photography equipment.