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Alex Cooke
Cleveland, OH

Articles written by Alex Cooke

Six Tips to Make the Transition From Photography to Videography

Moving from photography to video can be like trying to learn Spanish when you speak French: the similarities are undeniable, but each is its own distinct language. These six quick tips will ease the transition and give you a good basis to begin shooting.

How to Create Text Message Bubbles in After Effects

Texting is more ubiquitous than ever, having become a central part of our culture. This useful tutorial shows how to create convincing text chat boxes to overlay on your video work.

Five Filmmaking Tricks for More Efficient and Effective Videos

Whether you're working on limited time, limited budget, or you just want to expand your arsenal of filmmaking tricks, these five quick tips will give you some great workarounds and techniques for achieving better results more efficiently.

Build Your Own Motorized Camera Slider

Motorized camera sliders can really improve the quality of your videos and time-lapses, but they're also rather expensive. With a little bit of savvy, however, you can build your own relatively cheaply and in just a few hours by following this great tutorial.

Using Front Bokeh to Create Unique Portraits

When we think of bokeh, we normally of out-of-focus areas behind the subject. But the nature of depth of field means there are out-of-focus areas in front of the subject as well, and taking advantage of these can create some unique portraiture.

How to Properly and Thoroughly Clean Your Tripod

We talk about how to clean our cameras and lenses quite a bit, but for many of us, our tripods are just as essential a piece of equipment. Here's how to properly clean one to extend its life and ensure it functions fully.

Ten Brilliant Moments of Subjectivity in Film

Portraying subjective experience with a device that captures an objective representation often requires the addition of certain elements or a certain savvy to manipulate the perspective of the viewer. Here are ten great examples of subjectivity in film.

Five Free Ways to Make Better Videos

Video is a beast of an undertaking. Every element: pacing, storytelling, lighting, etc. must be working in top form to achieve a truly successful result. Here are five quick and free ways to improve your video work.

How to Create Dramatic Skies in Photoshop

Properly post-processing the sky can be what really sends an action shot, environmental portrait, or landscape image over the top. This quick tutorial will help you create compelling skies that complement your scenery.

Ten Photoshop Tricks You Might Not Know

Photoshop is a sort of neverending story: just when you think you know all its features and tricks, you discover something new. This great video highlights ten such features you might not be aware of.

Learn How to Use Tone Curves to Improve Your Photography

I hear a lot of photographers talk about tone curve shapes: the s-curve for contrast, for crushing blacks, etc. But really taking advantage of tone curves is less about memorizing shapes that produce specific results and more about understanding exactly what they do. This great video will get you up to speed in no time.

How to Photograph People With Glasses While Avoiding Reflections

If you've ever shot a portrait of someone wearing glasses, you know it can be a particularly infuriating experience. Instead of resorting to posing tricks or wasting time correcting the glare in Photoshop, understanding the simple physics behind why these reflections occur can enable you to quickly and effectively eliminate them.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Doubt in Photography

If you're a creative of any sort, you probably deal with doubt on a daily basis. It can be beneficial, or it can be crippling, all depending on how we embrace its presence in our work and lives.