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Altair Rey Emia
Cebu City, CEB, PH

Bookmarked Articles

A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up Your Camera for Landscape Photography

The neat thing about landscape photography is that you can create a wide variety of different photographs of the same frame simply by varying your camera settings. If you are new to the genre and want to know how to set yourself up to create the best possible images, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you everything you need to know to prepare your camera to take a shot.

The Power of Reflexive Photography

It is easy to overthink landscape photography (as I am about to do now). For anybody prone to self-doubt, like myself, the act of landscape photography can be downright paralyzing.

The Incredible Journey From 9 To 5 To Astrophotographer

Taking the leap into photography as a career can be a terrifying prospect, but on the other hand, some of us are simply not happy stuck in the tedium and repetition of a more traditional 9 to 5. This inspiring video essay discusses one man's journey from a 9-to-5 job in IT to professional astrophotography.

Can You Make Passive Income Selling Your Existing Photographs Online?

Passive income, the Holy Grail of personal finances. Who wouldn’t want to make money from all those old photos without having to lift a finger? With that in mind, I’m going to share with you my own experiences as a casual photographer selling my existing back catalog of digital photos online. It’s been an interesting experience to say the least and I even made a little money.

A Feature-Rich Platform for Print Sales: Fstoppers Reviews Art Storefronts

If you’ve decided to start selling prints of your work, you’ve found there are a lot of options, from print-on-demand websites where your work is part of a larger marketplace and orders are fulfilled by the website, to customizable platforms that you can make all your own. Art Storefronts attempts to offer the best of both worlds.

Helpful Tips for Selling Landscape Photo Prints

One of the most common ways to make money through landscape photography is to sell prints, but with such a crowded market, it can be tricky to stand out. This excellent tutorial discusses some of the best-selling types of prints as well as some helpful tips for maximizing your sales.

5 Tips To Help Edit All Your Photos

One of the most difficult things in editing isn't knowing how to color grade, use radial filters, or Photoshop. It's knowing what a photo needs once you sit down to edit it and these five tips should help guide you in tackling any photo you have.

8 Tips for Panoramic Landscape Photography

As a landscape photographer, one of the things I prefer is a wide or panoramic photograph. Creating a panoramic image isn't as difficult as many might think.

You're Missing Good Photos if You Avoid Bad Weather

Most of us do not enjoy being out in bad weather and would prefer to be outside when it is warm and sunny. But when it comes to photography, sometimes, good weather is boring and bad weather is far more interesting for creating compelling images. This fantastic video discusses why you might just want to grab your camera and head outside the next time the skies look moody or stormy.

Solutions to Common Photoshop Sky Replacement Issues

Photoshop's new automatic sky replacement tool is here, and it brings with it the promise of saving a ton of time and effort on a task that is traditionally rather tedious. But of course, no automated software is perfect, and you are bound to run into the occasional issue. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to deal with the most common problems you might encounter when using the feature.

Is the DJI Mavic Air 2 the Drone for You?

The DJI Mavic Air 2 is the latest drone from the company, and it brings with it a range of improvements along with new features. This excellent video review takes a look at the new drone and the sort of performance you can expect from it.

What Do You Do When the Sky Is Blue and Boring?

For the normal person, blue skies make for a lovely day, but for the landscape photographer, they can be pretty drab and boring. That does not mean you can't take great shots, though; it just means you need to try for different images than you would otherwise. This great video discusses how you can turn monotonous blue skies into fantastic images.

Which DJI Drone Is Right for You?

DJI makes a range of consumer drones at varying price points, sizes, and capabilities, and you can generally find one that fits your needs within their lineup. If you are wondering which one is right for you, this great comparison video takes a look at the Mavic Air 2, the Mavic Mini, and the Mavic 2 Pro to help you decide which one is right for you.

5 Great Tips for More Powerful Reflections in Landscape Photos

Reflections are a fantastic way to create more visual interest in a photo or to add a pleasing symmetry that helps to balance the composition. They take a bit of technique and consideration, however, and this fantastic video will give you five helpful tips to make your reflection images more powerful.

Helpful Tips for Better Long Exposure Photography

Long exposure photography is a highly popular technique, one that is a ton of fun and an excellent way to create stunning images. If you want to improve your long exposure work, this fantastic video will give you lots of great tips for better images.

Photoshop Shift Key Tips You Need to Know

Thanks to Photoshop's myriad of features, it's more than understandable that you don't know every single key combination or shortcut out there. Here are several ways to use the shift key to make your life while editing so much easier.

25 Helpful Photoshop Tips and Tricks

Photoshop is a tremendously complex and intricate program, and it can take years to master all its various functionalities. This helpful video will move you along that road by showing you 25 tips and tricks to improve your Photoshop skills in no time at all.

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