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Andy Day
Paris, FR

Articles written by Andy Day

Stop Taking Volcano Selfies, Experts Warn

Tourists are being discouraged from visiting erupting volcanoes around the world in an effort to reduce the number of accidents, a phenomenon that is partly fueled by people seeking to photograph themselves in exciting locations.

Nipples Are Banned, but Animal Abuse and Brutal Violence Are OK: Instagram Is Broken

The moderation of social media platforms has fallen under intense scrutiny in recent months. A recent study suggests that while some content on Instagram is removed almost as soon as it is reported, other violations are allowed to stay online indefinitely, raising difficult questions about how the company is dealing with a growing problem.

What Is Canon Planning for 2019?

Following an entry into the world of mirrorless that was generally regarded as somewhat underwhelming, rumors suggest that Canon has some exciting developments in the pipeline for the coming year.

Instagram Threatens Mountain Ecosystem

The latest victim of geotagging and Instafame is Mount Aspiring in New Zealand. Fears of damage to its delicate ecosystem are rising as thousands of people flock to the region in order to take the same photograph.

Are Cameras Just for Men? The Industry Needs to Change

Olympus has produced a beautiful series of videos on YouTube whereby its ambassadors visit some stunning locations, exploring Lapland, Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Namibia. What’s noticeable is that all of the Olympus Xplorers are men.

Sony a7S III: 4K at 480 fps? Probably Not [Rumor]

A few days ago, rumors started circulating that the forthcoming Sony a7S III would feature a 36-megapixel 8K sensor shooting 4K at 480 fps. While a few people got excited, the reality is probably a little more complicated.

Instagram's Latest Trend: Make Your Carousel Posts Look Awesome

You might have spotted the latest trend on Instagram for making carousel posts more exciting. They've always been a good way to present a body of images and this funky new template now makes carousels more engaging to viewers and also makes your images look rather smart, too.

The New Olympus OM-D EM1X: One Feature that Nobody Wants?

Earlier this month, rumors emerged regarding the forthcoming offering from Olympus: the EM1X, due to be announced in January. No-one was expecting it to have one feature that makes it unique and yet no one wants.

Plastic Lenses Are Awesome so Stop Being Sniffy About Them

Cheap, soft, and lightweight, with woefully slow autofocus and shoddy build quality; however terrible they might be, plastic lenses are great value. Quite why people get so agitated about this topic is a bit of a mystery because cheap glass can be amazing. Here’s why.

Incredible Photo of Bats Hunting Uses Ground-Breaking Infrared Lighting Rig

Photographer Paul Colley spent 14 months creating an ingenious infrared lighting system in order to capture bats hunting at night without disturbing them. After winning first prize in the British Wildlife Photography Awards, he talked to Fstoppers to explain how he created this totally unique image.

Fstoppers Reviews the WANDRD HEXAD 45L Duffel Bag

In every photographer’s ongoing search for the perfect bag, until recently it seemed there was a gaping hole: a 45-liter bag suitable as hand luggage on short-haul flights, offering the possibility to combine camera gear with a few days’ worth of clothes. The HEXAD Access Duffel from WANDRD fills that gap and does an incredibly good job of it.