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kyle sanguin

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Improve How Your Images Look on Instagram Using Photoshop

Do your photographs on Instagram not look as good as they do on your computer screen? Are you looking for something to improve the look of your photos on Instagram? Well, watch this video to improve their appearance on Instagram.

Seven Reasons Why Flash Portraits Are Better Than Natural Light

If you're serious about improving your Portraits, then pull your seat in a little closer. Because in this article you’re about to discover 7 compelling reasons why, using flash is much better for your Portraits than just regular natural light. But first, can I ask you a question?

How to Use Frequency Separation for Retouching

Frequency separation can be a very overwhelming technique used most commonly for skin retouching. It is a technique that is very easy to overdo and destroy texture when not used correctly. If you are unfamiliar with this technique, where do you start?

How to Shoot Product Photography With One Light

Are you looking to get into product photography but find yourself holding back because you don't have a studio or multiple lights? You probably don't need as much as you think you need; you can create some amazing work with just one light.

Master Your Telephoto Lens to Simplify Composition

A telephoto lens is not often the go-to lens for landscape photography. That accolade is usually given to your wide angle lens. However, over the years, I have been using my telephoto more and more to create powerful landscape images.

TourBox: Photoshop and Lightroom Editing Made Easy

TourBox is a new piece of portable hardware designed to make working with Lightroom and Photoshop and other software easier and more intuitive. Looking more like a video game controller than a midi interface, it works alongside your mouse or tablet with the intention of making your workflow smoother and less fiddly.

How to Color Correct Skin Using Photoshop

You can do all sorts of creative things to portraits, but if you don't get the skin tones right, chances are your viewer will notice something off. This great video will show you a quick and effective method for color correcting skin in Photoshop.

Stop Dodging: Five Alternatives to Bumping Local Exposure

Since the film days, photographers have used dodge and burn to infuse drama into their images. Unfortunately, local exposure adjustments don’t always stack well and can produce the opposite effect.

A Faster Way to Sort Through Large Batches of Raw Images

Culling a large set of raw photos can take a particularly long time as you wait for Lightroom to render previews for all the images, but luckily, there's a faster way to do it. This quick video will introduce you to programs dedicated to exactly this task.

Nine Tips to Improve Your Black and White Photography

The colors of autumn are at their magnificent full strength here in New England, and I’m thinking about black and white photography. In about two weeks, these autumn colors are going to give way to lots of browns and blacks and eventually, some white snow. So, why not start thinking like I am about practicing some black and white photography this winter?

How to Fix Motion Blur in Photoshop

Did you know that Photoshop has a tool for repairing motion blur? Here is a great technique that can salvage a blurry photo and turn it into a sharp image.

A Useful Tool for Matching Lighting in Composite Photographs

Probably the most important factor in creating a convincing composite photograph is matching the lighting, but that's also something that has a lot of nuance and can be very difficult to do. This helpful video will show you a quick and powerful technique for better matching the lighting in composite photographs.

Easily Replace a Bland Sky in Adobe Photoshop

One of the more common areas to apply a bit of photo composite work is of course in the sky. Often, Mother Nature will opt to ignore our photographic needs. The good news is you can overcome this with a little help from Photoshop.

You'll Be Amazed by the Photos You Can Create With Just One Light

If you look at the work of the best studio photographers, you'll probably notice most of them use multiple lights to achieve their final results. And while there's certainly nothing wrong with that, you might be amazed at what you can accomplish with just one light, and this great video will show you every step in the process.

Behold, the Secret to Perfect Skin Tones

I have always been obsessed with color. Skin tones are one of the most challenging things for many people if you are picky, because there are so many factors that can affect them.

Five Tips for Taking Sharper Photos

Do you struggle with taking sharp photos consistently? Here are five tips for improving your photography technique to prevent blurry images.

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