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kyle sanguin

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Make Your Photo's Colors Pop Using Photoshop

You can make your photos pop by boosting their color in Photoshop. But as with everything in Photoshop, there are many ways to accomplish similar results. I compare my go-to method to PiXimperfects method. Read on to see the compared results.

Photoshop’s Smart Objects Explained

Are you still uncertain of what the purpose of a Smart Object is in Photoshop? Here is an excellent explanation of one of Photoshop’s most powerful tools.

Get Inspired With Just One Click in Photoshop

Tired with your same ol' process of color grading in Photoshop? Try out different color combinations in quick succession using these handy tips from PiXimperfect.

Five Techniques to Remove Anything From an Image Using Photoshop

One of the most useful things you can do in Photoshop is remove an object from a photo, whether that's a building ruining your landscape shot or that person that wandered into a shot of the bride and groom. This great video will show you five techniques for removing anything from a photo using Photoshop.

Want to Get Your Photos Published in Magazines? Here's How

Seeing your photos you've worked hard on on a screen is great, but opening a magazine to see them in print provides a very different, tangible sense of pride and satisfaction. This great video will walk you through the process of getting your photos published.

How to Quickly and Easily Sharpen Any Blurry Photo

If you thought you couldn't use or rescue blurry, pixelated photos, think again. This tutorial will not only show you how to rescue and sharpen blurry photos, but also how to increase their size to prepare them for printing.

Learn Everything There Is to Know About Frequency Separation

Frequency separation has been all the rage in the retouching industry in the past couple of years. Hated, loved, criticized, acclaimed, it has seen it all. But do you really know how it works, what it can do, and more?

How to Reduce Noise in Astrophotography Using Photoshop

Using a high ISO setting to capture starry skies is a pretty common practice when shooting astrophotography, though such an ISO setting can result in a fair amount of noise in your image. This tutorial takes you through several processes in Photoshop to reduce the amount of noise in your final image.

How to Capture Beautiful Images in Harsh Sunlight

Are you prepared to handle a session where the natural lighting conditions are difficult and there is no shade to turn to? Here are three techniques you can use to get beautiful photos in harsh conditions.

A Straightforward Guide to Creating Backlit Portraits in Studio

Backlit portraits can be a great way to get a lighter, airier look. Traditionally, you likely think of them as being shot outside with the sun behind the subject, but it's just as easy to create them in the studio, and this helpful tutorial will show you how to do just that.

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