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Greg P

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What Light Meter Should You Buy in 2018?

Before you say your camera has a built-in exposure meter, light meters have more advanced features and there are still many reasons to have one. You might need to consider a light meter to achieve accurate results for both photography and video.

A Quick Guide to Wedding and Engagement Poses to Jumpstart Your Photos

We can talk fairly objectively about camera settings and post-processing techniques, but something that remains a bit more nebulous and difficult to learn is posing. This great video will show you a range of great poses for your next wedding or engagement shoot.

Gear for B-Roll Shooting When You're a Team of One

In one of his latest videos, renowned YouTuber Thomas Heaton discusses the gear he utilizes for B-roll while producing videos for his large following. Heaton produces great cinematic work, but I was more taken by a profound statement during the video: the content and story you tell is far more important than the overall video quality you produce.

How to Create a Dark Cinematic Look for Your Images Using Photoshop

The dark and moody cinematic look is a popular one that can help make your images pop and catch the viewer's attention. If you're a fan of that style, this fun tutorial will walk you through the entire process of creating the look from normal photos using Photoshop.

Frame Rates Explained: When and Why You Should Shoot in Different Ones

For the past few years, I have been getting more and more into video work. When I first started, I had an idea of what frame rate was and I knew how to use it to get the looks I wanted but by no means was I doing anything correctly until probably late last year. In this video, Matt goes over frame rates and a few reasons why you should shoot in different ones.

The Deep Science Behind Camera Exposure and Metering

Most of us know about the exposure triangle, which dictates how shutter speed, aperture, and ISO balance each other to create the total exposure. But rarely if ever do we dive deep into what exposure really is at the fundamental level. This great video will give you a fun, scientific breakdown of exposure and metering.

How to Remove People From Complicated Images Automatically Using Photoshop

Beautiful places are of course something many of us want to photograph, but the problem is often that there are constantly people in the shot at such locations. This helpful tutorial will show you how to remove people from complicated images automatically using Photoshop.

How to Color Grade Using Luminosity Masks

Zoë Noble's work has been featured in Vogue Arabia, Harper’s Bazaar Arabia and ELLE Japan, and she has shot commercial campaigns for L'Oréal Paris, Vichy, and Etsy. Check out her awesome technique for color grading in this video.

How to Use Focus Stacking to Obtain a Sharp Image From Front to Back

Focus stacking is a technique in which one takes multiple shots of the same scene at different focus distances, then merges them together to create a final photo that is as sharp as possible from front to back. This helpful tutorial will show you how it's done.

Printing Your Photos: A Workflow Start to Finish

Are you starting to print your photography? Are you looking to sell prints for the fans of your work? This new video gives a great rundown of colorimetry, papers, and the value of the print.

Why 40mm Is the Perfect Lens Focal Length

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my love for Canon's 40mm pancake lens. Clearly, Kaiman Wong was reading and, it being Pancake Day recently (aka Shrove Tuesday aka Fat Tuesday aka Mardi Gras), he was inspired to dig out his 5D and take it for a walk through the streets of central London.

Blend-if: One of the Most Useful Features in Photoshop

The Blend-if feature is easy to miss if you're not looking for it in Photoshop, but it's one of the most useful tools you can have in your post-processing kit. This great video will show you what Blend-if is and how it works as well as some useful examples.

Improve Your Food Photography With Six Easy Tricks

When it comes to food photography, your goal is to capture the dish as well as possible while making sure it looks appealing. You want to entice the viewer to order or crave that dish. If you are new to this genre, here are a few tricks that may help you craft a better shot.

A Range of Advice From a Successful Portrait Photographer

Portrait photography can be a tricky genre, as it relies very heavily on your ability to interact with and bring the best out of the people in front of your lens, making it just as much psychology as photography. This great video will give you some tips for working with subjects as well as some helpful career advice.

Five Great Tips for Using the Pen Tool in Photoshop

The Pen Tool elicits a range of emotions, most commonly fear and love. If you've mastered it, post-processing life is good. For everyone else, learning the Pen Tool always seems to be put off for a rainy day that never comes. This quick and easy tutorial has five great tips to help you better use this essential tool.

How to Shoot Night Photography

If you haven't tried out night photography before, you sure are missing out on some fun and creative opportunities. One thing for sure, it's quite different than shooting during the day, so I understand why some of you may be hesitant to venture out at night with your camera.

The Ultimate Tutorial on Product Photography

Brian Rodgers Jr. has become the most popular and highly rated product photographer on Fstoppers, and today we are releasing his full-length product photography tutorial, “The Hero Shot.”

Saving an Image Using Split Toning in Lightroom

Sometimes, you'll come home with an image that seems rather unremarkable, but when you play with it for a bit in Lightroom, it suddenly becomes something you hadn't envisioned when you first shot it. This great video will show you how to split toning saved an image.

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