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ken davis
New Haven, CT

Bookmarked Articles

Are DSLR Cameras Already Dead?

Currently, one of the most discussed topics in our photographic community is if DSLR cameras are already dead. The Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras were indisputably the preferred ones until the mirrorless cameras step ahead into the game and showed how good they could be.

Building Your Own Photo Backdrop Wall

Seamless paper backdrops among other backdrops are great for photography backgrounds, but sometimes, you want a background with some real texture. While having several different walls painted different colors or having different textures sounds great, the space and size of a studio can put limits on what you can actually do.

How to Shoot Product Photography With One Light

Are you looking to get into product photography but find yourself holding back because you don't have a studio or multiple lights? You probably don't need as much as you think you need; you can create some amazing work with just one light.

Liquifying Your Boudoir Images: Less Is More

When it comes to liquify, less is usually best. Unless you have a model or client who specifically asks for heavy shaping, chances are you are going to have an unhappy client if this tool is overly used.

PhotoPlus Expo 2018 Roundup

Ten years ago, I attended my first PhotoPlus Expo at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. No other event each year brings as much opportunity to learn, check out new gear, speak with other photographers, editors, manufacturers, meeting folks outside of the matrix of social media. Here's a brief round-up of the 2018 PhotoPlus Expo from a different take than simply the latest gear.

How to Avoid Lowball Offers as a Photographer

It doesn't matter what industry you work in, there are very few clients that won't try to squeeze you on your price. Here's how to spot the signs and the psychological strategy you can employ to make sure you get the amount you deserve each and every time.

Street Photographer Asks Strangers What They Wish for in Life

As a street photographer, how far do you go to engage with strangers? Crash Taylor, currently a UK based photographer, not only asks strangers to pose for a portrait but also asks to reveal their deepest wish. Find out how he does it!

Financial Risks of a Photography Business

Running a business always entails risk, and photography businesses are no exception. Let's explore the various financial challenges we face and ways we can protect ourselves and our livelihood.

Creating Studio Portraits Using Just Speedlights

If you're new to strobes, buying a couple of speedlights and modifiers can be a cheap but effective way to learn the ins and outs of artificial lighting. This awesome video will show you how to create classic studio portraits using just speedlights.

Thomas Heaton Talks Tripod Purchase

As photographers, the perfect bag and the perfect tripod for all situations are a unicorn in the midst for us. There is always one flaw that keeps each one from being the exact fit for our every need. In this video, Thomas Heaton talks tripods and what's important to him.

Outdoor Photography Apps I Won't Leave Home Without

Living in the Southwest, I'm always out with my camera, looking for that great new vista just beyond the next curve in the road. For years, I didn't pay much attention to photo apps, because I was seeing stupid apps that put hats on people or distorted their faces, or worse.

Two Essential Lenses for Landscape Photography

It is an often debated topic; what are the essential lenses for landscape photography? One photographer attempts to answer this burning question in this great video.

Getting More out of Your Landscape Photography Locations

Landscape photography can be a fickle thing, as you don't get to choose your lighting or even what a big chunk of your composition (the sky) will look like. This great video talks about how you can maximize what you get out of a location no matter what the conditions.

Create Better Images by Mastering the Exposure Triangle

If you are beginning your journey in photography, mastering the basics of the exposure triangle is one of the best places to start. Here is an excellent illustration of how understanding your camera can help you produce better images.

Discovering Your Personal Style as a Photographer

How does one discover his or her personal style? It is always a debatable question, and it is interesting to hear the opinions coming from people from different walks of life. In this video, Chase Jarvis strikes a dialogue with Alex Strohl on the journey of discovering one's style.

Seven Helpful Tips for Planning a Photography Trip

Going on a photography trip can be a wonderful adventure and a chance to come home with lots of portfolio-worthy shots, but there's more to it than simply grabbing your camera and booking a plane ticket. This great video will give you seven helpful tips to maximize your returns from a photography trip.

Why Do You Do Landscape Photography?

Landscape photography is a quirky genre: you often have to get up ludicrously early, hike for miles with heavy equipment, and endure the wet and cold, and after all that, you don't even get to control the light, and you might not even come away with the shot. Why do it in the first place then?

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