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Peter Morgan
Cardiff, GB

Articles written by Peter Morgan

Essential Ways to Manage Your Photography Files Using Lightroom Classic

Most of the problems I get asked to fix in my role as technical support for photographers has to do with Lightroom. This article will show you the way I use Lightroom to be able to find any photograph I've shot in the last 10 years in under a minute. This is how best to organize and categorize your files to best serve you as a photographer and the tips and tricks that you might have otherwise missed.

5 Vital Skills for a Profitable Photography Business

What skills other than knowing your camera kit and how to take a good photo do you need to make your fledgling photography business work, grow, and be sustainable while still standing out from the crowd? What tools do you need and what websites are good enough to bookmark and check daily? These five tips will help you on your way.

Printing Your Images Makes You a Better Photographer

Glyn Dewis discusses the reasons behind the thinking that printing makes us better photographers. He takes a look at Permajet paper and gives some of the reasons why you'd choose this over other types of paper and educates us as to what makes a good paper for printing. He looks at the components like OBA (optical brightening agent) and tells you why it's good that some papers do not have this.

How to Get Your Photography Website Found on Google in 2023

This is the video I've been waiting for! SEO is the bane of my life. If I'm being honest, I don't really understand it. Being 48 and a photographer for almost 16 years, I have a good knowledge of my job-related skills and what it means to be able to capture a great photograph. However, I, as I suspect like a lot of photographers, know just enough about social media, websites, and SEO to be dangerous. This video outlines what it takes to get to the top of Google in 2023 and where to go to get more information about the subject.

Capturing and Editing Epic and Timeless Imagery of an Iconic Welsh Landmark With Just Your Mobile

In this video, Glyn Dewis effortlessly explains how he manages to capture the iconic Prince of Wales bridge spanning the border between Wales and England. As a proud Welshman, this was intriguing to me, and as a photographer this is engaging and really shows the potential that mobile technology has to be able to improve the availability and quality of immediate photography.

10 Fundamental Facts You Need to Know Before You Turn Pro

Thinking about turning your hobby into a jobby? What are the essential points you will need to consider when taking your hard-earned savings and convincing your better half that this will be the new, next chapter in your life? With over 15 years as a professional photographer and more than 25 years being self-employed, here’s what you need to know to make your dream a reality.

Ultimate Focus Settings For The Canon R6

Katelyn James breaks down the essential (in my opinion) options you need to know and master on Canon's EOS R6 to be able to nail AF and eye-tracking options ensuring a sharp and tracked subject every time. Her style is easygoing and she's great to listen to and I love her videos and explanations which make sense and put everything into perspective.

Looking Back Is the Only Way to Move Forward

I look back at past work to see how I've come as a photographer and wonder: what's changed in the 15 years since I started taking photographs professionally? How can I use my previous body of work to improve and give me confidence for what is to come?

Just How Good Is the New Sony A7R V?

Glyn Dewis takes a look at the Sony A7R V with his usual comedic but incredibly informative style. He compares it to his existing A7R IV and looks at the new updates to the software and hardware on this updated camera model. Now if you managed to catch his earlier video that was recently taken down you'd have seen that the issues he had when using the new Sony A7RV whilst focussing on the subject in the video were less than ideal. This refresh of that video comes as Sony reached out and sorted a few of the issues that plagued the version he was loaned. The changed settings are clearly...

Network Storage Is the Only Safe Way to Store Your Pictures

Okay, so I know a lot of readers may disagree with me on this and have different opinions. My writing here isn't intended to cause any offense, but more to offer an opinion and start a discussion on the matter. My evidence here is based on having worked in the IT industry for over 30 years and working in the photographic industry with creatives. Hopefully, after reading this you'll come up with an understanding which may help your next (or first) computer storage purchase.

10 Indispensable Tips for Getting a Killer Headshot

If part of your business is capturing headshots, then this is for you. Even if you're thinking of adding it to your portfolio, it's worth checking these essential tips and tricks as, if you're a commercial photographer, you can up your customer's average spend by offering this essential service.

Should You Upgrade to the Canon R6 Mark II?

With the January sales looming and every company likely offering discounts on new and existing cameras and kit, is it worth considering a new camera body? Is it worth upgrading from your existing equipment to a newer model or even switching from DSLR to mirrorless?

Create Killer Landscape Images Using Only Your Mobile Phone and Tablet

This is an essential watch if you love taking photos with your phone but aren't sure whether you can get a great image or not. In this video, Glyn Dewis shows how mobile photography is possible for everyone using Adobe's Lightroom and Photoshop Mobile software.