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Bookmarked Articles

How I Shot This Natural Beauty Shoot

Beauty can be a lot of fun to shoot and it’s fun to find different ways to light a face in a flattering way. We might not be perfect in real life, but on camera? On camera we can be as perfect as the lighting setup and editing allows us to be! Magic? No. We still need gorgeous models but a great setup certainly helps.

How Quitting Wedding Photography Changed My Life

There was a time in my life that weddings were my main source of income. After being laid off from my job as a scientist, my hobby soon turned into a career. When I was first starting out, I took any and every gig I could to make ends meet. However, I held a secret during that time that I would never had admitted until now. I hated weddings.

When Is Photography Not Photography?

Has photography in the widest cultural sense morphed in to something that isn't photography? Renowned director and photographer Wim Wenders takes aim at the smartphone.

Best Tripod Practices for Videographers

While some tripods come with a basic set of instructions on how to work its features, many won’t show how to get the most out of them. Check out these 13 tripod tips for videographers.

Why Hardcore Purists Can't Make a Quality Photograph of a High Contrast Scene

Purists say they don't edit their photographs at all and they don't have to if the right camera settings were used. I'm fine with that philosophy if cheap old low-end cameras are used and they only can shoot in JPEG mode. Otherwise this approach is a complete waste of money on expensive cameras.

Four Quick Tips for Posing the Groom on the Wedding Day

Making men pose can be an uphill task, especially the groom on his wedding day. This is where a little pre-planning can come in handy. This video from Vanessa Joy of Adorama TV throws light on a few quick techniques.

What Is the Best Portrait Lens?

When it comes to portraits, two major factors determine how good a lens is for many photographers and they are focal length and aperture. Generally speaking, many photographers prefer to have a relatively long focal length with a wide aperture as this helps with both the framing of the shot and also the kind of background blur you can achieve.

How You Can Take Better Pictures of Lightning

Getting amazing shots of lightning storms often takes a lot of planning, patience, and long exposure equipment. Photographers who apply these techniques are like photographic storm chasers improving their odds of getting the best possible image at a specific location. But what if you just happen to get caught in a lightning storm while out shooting and you're not prepared?

Slow Down With Landscape Photography

In our age of social media saturation and fast-paced tutorials with loud intros and even louder personalities, it's important to remind one self to breath at least once in a while. This video — which outlines some meaningful reasons for slowing down — was very close to the bone for me.

Why You Need to Calibrate Your Monitor

Have you ever shared your photos on social media only to realize they appear completely different on your phone than they did on your computer? Here is a detailed video showing why calibration is necessary by comparing the same photo on three different monitors.

How to Take Great Portraits Even in the Harshest Midday Sun

Ask many photographers how to shoot in the harsh midday sun and they'll tell you either to supplement or diffuse your light or simply not to do it at all. This great video talks about how to embrace that light and get awesome shots with no additional equipment.

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