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Bookmarked Articles

Interview With Photography Mentor Geoff Ang [NSFW]

Photography is a lot of fun, but it can also be a very lonely journey filled with worry and self-doubt. It is important to surround yourself with other like-minded artists and people who inspire you and that you can learn from.

How to Creatively Light Scenes at Night

Understanding how to light scenes at night is one of the most valuable lessons to learn as a photographer. Open up a world of creative possibilities with these great examples.

Camping, Photography, and Sunset Versus Sunrise

When is the last time that you went on a camping adventure? If it involved photography and both a sunset in the evening and a sunrise in the early morning, did you prefer one more than the other?

How to Deliver a Client Gallery on a Shoestring Budget

Client galleries have become the de facto way of distributing photos post-shoot, whether you are a seasoned pro delivering to a corporate client or helping out at a friend's wedding. Can you do this on a shoestring and is there an efficient workflow?

Shooting With Your Subconsciousness To Be A Better Photographer

Do you often find yourself hesitating when changing the settings on your camera? Are you constantly missing or find yourself unable to get the shot you wanted? Does this sound like an infomercial? Did you answer "yes" to any of these questions? Well, you're in luck because this is not an infomercial but I will nonetheless offer some solutions that photographer Willy Foo shares for these problems!

Five Ways to Use the Sunrise for Photography of People

Sunrise and sunset are often beautiful times for photography and we go out of our way to make shoots happen at those times. Once we get there, however, how is it that we best make use of that light?

Behind the Scenes of My Short Film 'The Letter'

If you think this is a sci-fi horror thriller film with Transformers-style VFX you'll be disappointed. In fact, the action takes place in the 50s as a young man turns unfortunate obstacles into a romantic outcome.

A Straightforward Guide to Creating Backlit Portraits in Studio

Backlit portraits can be a great way to get a lighter, airier look. Traditionally, you likely think of them as being shot outside with the sun behind the subject, but it's just as easy to create them in the studio, and this helpful tutorial will show you how to do just that.

Three Helpful Tips for Finding Great Portrait Locations Near You

Finding good portrait locations can be a bit of a challenge, particularly if you don't live in a sprawling metropolis with numerous options waiting to be explored. This helpful video will give you three tips to have a better chance of finding great portrait locations.

The Kuleshov Effect and How Spielberg Masters It

If you haven't heard of Kuleshov's Effect you are not alone. However, once you understand it you will start noticing it in many directors' films especially those by Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg.

Seven Tips for Filming Instagram-Friendly Product and Fashion Videos

Brands big and small, new and established, are heavily investing in Instagram influencers to market their products. This has opened up a relatively new market for the working videographer, and here are my top seven tips to the production of Instagram-friendly video ads.

Psychological Pricing Tactics for Photographers

The way you structure and display your rates to potential clients could be negatively affecting your earning potential and losing you work. Use these tried and trusted psychological "tricks" to help you get hired and earn more money.

How to Use Natural Light [NSFW]

Natural light photography is sought-after in lifestyle, fashion, lingerie, and many other photography genres. Anita Sadowska takes us through how she uses natural light in her small apartment and what decisions you need to make when you plan on using natural light.

Yes: For Professionals, Gear Matters

Let’s not lie to ourselves and try to sugarcoat the issue -- in many circumstances, gear matters. There is no shame in admitting that despite all your talent, some shoots can’t be done without the appropriate hardware. Here is why.

Want to Be Successful on Instagram? Here Are 13 Mistakes to Avoid

Like it or not, Instagram has become a legitimate tool for photographers, and incorporating it into your business toolkit can get your work in front of more eyes and increase your client and inquiry influx. This informative video will show you some pitfalls to avoid when using the app.

Three Huge Reasons Every Photographer Should Be Writing

When the general public picture photographers, they tend to envision a creative individual who goes out and snaps away at anything and everything that inspires them; architecture, nature, sports, or whatever assignment they've been put on. It's likely that they never think of the hours we spend marketing, writing proposals, editing, doing book-keeping, etc.

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