Facebook Encourages Brides to Ditch Having a Professional Wedding Photographer

Facebook Encourages Brides to Ditch Having a Professional Wedding Photographer

Facebook recently put out a video with the message "Why have one photographer when you can have a hundred?" The video consists of a collage of images from a wedding with the impression that they were shot by multiple people who attended. This is NOT something the wedding scene is happy about.

The images shown seem to be taken by someone with a decent piece of equipment. Actually, only a few of them seem that way. In the official video, we can see how some of the images were shot with flash bounced into the ceiling (tent?) and even some decent natural light photos. We also see a lot of shots with large amounts of depth of field. Does that technically mean a professional camera was used? NO, but just by the look, composition, and style of the images, I would think Grandma was not the one behind the camera.

Facebook's Official Video Post:

Now, not every image was one that gave me the "professional photog" feeling. Alongside the good images were a slew of TERRIBLE shots. Lighting with direct flash, blurry and out of focus, poor processing, and more. The shots go by so fast it's hard to notice these but below is my favorite bad example of a shot (just in case you missed it).


One photographer made a parody video that shows what he thinks such a wedding would actually look like.

What are your thoughts on Facebook's new video?

Personally, I think it is ridiculous. Not only is it encouraging brides to give up on hiring someone who's strict job is to be there to take amazing photographs (and much more), but they are also encouraging attendees to almost give up on living in the moment. The day I get married, I don't want anyone invited to be holding a camera or phone up for pictures. I want them to be there and enjoy what is going on and take in the reality and feelings around them.

John White's picture

John White is a photographer from Northwest Indiana. He specializes in individual portraiture. Outside of photography, John enjoys building websites for fun, doing graphic design, and creating videos. Also, he really loves Iron Man. Follow him on his social media profiles to keep up to date with what he has going on!

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It doesn't encourage to ditch having a pro! At the end of the video it says: "Why have one photographer when you can have a hundred? Because a wedding is so important. Hire a pro!" You're missing the point and twisting the story. Obviously someone is lacking attention to detail or patience to watch it to the end.

That's the parody, not the actual facebook video :)

This is really telling of how people at FB (millennials) see the world and web experiences in general. Also how they see professionalism and overall quality in the pro arts services. I don't care if we're talking Journalism, Photography, Film making, graphic art, Music, etc., they're all suffering this attitude. If we don't like it, we need to figure out ways to change it through culture. Right now they own it and we need to take it back.

I think it´s funny and any bride with some common sense would see the Facebook photos just as what they are and still hire a pro photographer.

What could possibly go wrong? (The two guys with the iPads were actively trying to kill me all night.)

I don't know, the one with the green scarf doesn't look like someone who would kill..!

I understand your feeling @_@

If the bride and groom don't have much money, I could see this as being a option over not having ANY photos At the very least a professional should take portraits before or after the wedding. I couldn't imagine looking back 30 years and thinking how magical the day was and how un-magical these pictures make it seem.

Oh waaaahhhhhhhh ! Are you actually complaining about the competition's marketing? Stop bloody whining and get used to the fact that there is now a slew of easy to use photography options for people. If you want to combat that then you will have to sell the VALUE of a professional photographer. This article is of absolutely no use to help anyone with that. It's just an article that bitches and whines about the choices that people make and the fact that Facebook is promoting something other than a pro.

A useful article would be one that helps professional wedding photographers learn how to better market and sell their services. Bitching and whining about the wave that is crashing over your head isn't going to stop it. Learn how to ride it or you will get dumped on.

Whatever though - please stop bitching about social media photography apps - it's really getting so very old!

It's not about whining of people taking pictures in every event they go even if they will never print them or share them, it's just and answer to their (i suppouse retorical) question, Why have one photographer when you can have a hundred, because a wedding is so important. That's the reason. Did you know that people taking pictures in events makes the photographer job a lot more difficult and sometimes impossible? There are several videos addressing this somehow moronic behavior, even Louis CK talked about it in one of his shows, people need to learn to live the moment and let the profesional do their work! Guests don't take picture to cherish or preserve the moment, they do it to feel conected! They do it as a social excersice! So the moment ends in last place!

People can do whatever they want, there's people smoking even knowing they could die from it, there's people killing or people raping, but that doesn't mean it is right or smart. I could elaborate more about this but I would need to address some other philosophical issues in our society.

Facebook: We encourage everyone attending a wedding to take pictures and share them on Facebook.
FStopper: Facebook tells people not to hire professional wedding photographer.

What? Come on guys. Don't take a message out of context.

I think youve pretty much nailed it. When I saw the video I saw it as, why just have one photographer, you could have 99 others too.

It's not about whining of people taking pictures in every event they go even if they will never print them or share them, it's just and answer to their (i suppouse retorical) question, Why have one photographer when you can have a hundred, because a wedding is so important. That's the reason. Did you know that people taking pictures in events makes the photographer job a lot more difficult and sometimes impossible? There are several videos addressing this somehow moronic behavior, even Louis CK talked about it in one of his shows, people need to learn to live the moment and let the profesional do their work! Guests don't take picture to cherish or preserve the moment, they do it to feel conected! They do it as a social excersice! So the moment ends in last place!

People can do whatever they want, there's people smoking even knowing they could die from it, there's people killing or people raping, but that doesn't mean it is right or smart.

Also the sintaxis used in their phrase lets understand that having one photographer is bad or worst than having a hundred when in reality it isn't. They should have used different wording or a different phrase to express the point you are telling. Grammar and sintaxis helps people understand the subject regardless of subjective interpretation.

Nothing to really get ben't out of shape about. I wouldn't want to work for a couple that thought this was remotely a good value proposition compared to having a dedicated photographer. Don't mistake this as any different from dealing with the sometimes unprofessional weekend warriors. Every couple will float up or down to their comfortable level of coverage and cost.

Why aren't you using a typesetter and printer to distribute this message. Have you no respect for the skills of those trades?

Oh wait - you say modern technology enables you to spit out second-rate article and publish it online through a blog and on Facebook - while thousands of trained tradespeople in the print publishing industry have watched their trade skills become obsolete. I bet they complained a lot too.

Boot's on the other foot when you look at it that way eh?

Hardly a good comparison in all honesty

LOL! - in your opinion maybe!

It's a free country. Let people do whatever they feel like doing.

Actually, I watched (and re-watched) the parody video in slo-mo play-pause-play-pause OMG there are some awesome shots in this little gem of a vid LOL

Haha use it for you. Tell the client why hire just me but also hire 5 of my second shooters cause 6 pro photographers are better than. One. Haha and pay 6 times the price to..

I really think there was always brides that didn't put a priority on their photos... so for those this is fine I guess. I had a friend that handed out disposable cameras to all her guests and used what they took for her photos. Facebook probably encourages more, not less brides, to hire a professional as so many see the photos and I'd want the best photos for that. I didn't see any exceptional photos in the flashy fast paced video.

im sure that Zuckerberg hired a wedding photographer on the day of his wedding, THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE AT ALL

I think the author of this article was trying to say "shallow dof" rather than a "large" dof. Who writes these articles anyway. This is such a basic concept, that so many people seem to be confused about. Didn't expect it from an Fstoppers writer, err wait no, I did.

Am I the only one that watch this video all the way to the end when they say "Hire a pro!"

I think some of you needs to rewatch this video again. And if you still don't get Facebook's sarcasm, I wish your photography business good luck.

This is what the video description is on YouTube

"Remembering the big day is not easier with friends. It's most probably
no one will take good pictures and very probable they won't share them
with you, a few would upload them to facebook but not all of them and
the record of your wedding will be lost forever.
Hire a proffesional photographer and let you and your guests enjoy the wedding!
(This is a parody)"

EVERYBODY PLEASE READ THE PART THAT SAYS... "Hire a proffesional photographer and let you and your guests enjoy the wedding! (This is a parody)"

FStopper's John White, I know you're a "Junior Writer" but how can you mess up on an article so bad... unless you're being sarcastic on this article

Hey guys,
this is what I sent to facebook

“why have one photographer, when you can have a hundred?” Well here
is my opinion on the matter.

To start what is a photographer? According to the Random
House Dictionary it is “a person who takes photographs, especially one who
practices photography professionally”

As a professional photographer myself I know that it
requires years of experience, Thousands of dollars of equipment/training and
most of all a creative flair for the art. Something most guests do not have.

Which brings me to my next point, you will not have 100
photographers you will have 100 guests with iPhone. A guest’s photographic
skill level is simply not high enough to consider them a “Photographer”. My
worst nightmare is walking down the aisle with all of my guests eyes fixated to
the back of their phone.

A professional photographer is required to Capture Bridal
Preparation, The Groom and his men, The Ceremony & the Group Shots. The
list goes on. Do you plan on having 100 “photographers” and I use that word loosely
standing there with their IPhone’s? I didn’t think so.

There is a big difference between a snap shot and a

Think carefully before deciding who you trust to take care
of your memories. Otherwise the happiest day of your life may be left to
thousands of out of focus, blurry snapshots.

not a good idea, wedding photographers will capture the day professionally - not like a guest would

Embrace it. This is the way of the world now. If this is all it takes to ''discredit'' a professional photographer then the pros weren't very good to begin with. Multiple camera shots with varied quality and points-of-view captures way more of the essence of the wedding, as its not coming from a single artists vision through the lense, and it allows for the event to be showcased as non-objective -as it was seen from the 100's of watching eyes at the event. I say hell yeah, smart marketing.

If brides are going to do everything that Facebook tells them to do, then they deserve the results, good or bad. I could care less what Facebook thinks people should do, as the brides and grooms I talk to have brains and are able to think and act on their own. They even have their own opinions!

The reality is that FB isn't interested in quality of images, or who is shooting them. It is only interested in the interconnectedness of data (err, people).
For FB, to recommend 100 'photographers' at a wedding makes perfect sense - that increases the connections between people on FB and therefore the quality of the data that FB mines to use in advertising, as well as the penetration of targeted ads.

Facebook has this one WRONG!

In fairness, the video never said not to hire a photographer. It just said you can have more than one.

This is a great concept EXCEPT you still need a professional photographer. How can you be certain that all the most important elements of the event are properly captured otherwise? Going with the mob exclusively is just plain foolhardy if the event actually means anything. Use of shots made by guests (those that are not blurry and have a subject) as part of the final product is a great idea though. Who cares what anyone from Facebook thinks. All the bride has to do is to consider life after the big day with nothing but garbage pictures of the first kiss or tossing the bouquet. Even if Uncle George of Cousin Emma is a professional photographer, if they are guests their shots cannot be relied upon. They are present to witness the event, not to photograph it.. In short the wise bride will insure that the best photographer her family can afford is hired for her wedding.

Hi i think i would have been as well getting my guests to take photos as photographer made crap video and some very dodgy pics never even got 1 of groom and best men together blamed everyone else but himself im still waiting on my photobook and i will be a yr married on 31st of Aug till then i can`t name and shame :D Paid nearly £800 :(