We have heard stories of drones being shot down from the sky before, but have you heard of them being attacked midflight? That’s exactly what happened when Colin Smith from P hotoshop Cafe decided to fly a new DJI Spark for a review.
Flying a drone around, there’s a few things you have to keep an eye out for to make sure you don’t crash. If you are flying around seagulls, you might have to add them to your list of things to avoid. Seagulls can become very territorial and aggressive when others are in their area, even with people, so a drone isn’t out of the question. This seagull wasn’t playing around as it swooped down several times at Smith and continued with the Spark. Maybe due to its size, the bird was less afraid to attack the small drone, but given it was trying to attack a person, I might suspect it would have attacked a larger drone as well, maybe without successfully taking it down. If you find yourself trying to maneuver your drone away from a seagull, Colin suggests making the drone climb vertically to scare away the birds.
Keep an eye out for birds the next time you decide to fly your drone, and if they seem aggressive, it's probably best not to take flight if it’s a DJI Spark or another small drone.
Not just the smaller drones. Seagulls are also known to attack Phantoms.
fucking seagulls. they are assholes.
Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/H4BNbHBcnDI?t=39s
Betty White in Lake Placid: "I'm rooting for the crocodile (seagull). I hope he swallows your friends (drones) whole." ;-)
In my town seagulls have successfully attacked and destroyed several drones, including Inspire class size. I found several Phantoms while diving. It helps when a drone is not white, as the seagulls see it as a new bird passing by, not a small seagull competing for food in their territory. Also, they do not try to attack my S900 as it looks to big for them.
Canada Geese HATE Phantoms & Inspires, particularly while they are migrating south for the winter. You've been warned!
Tim Bedoer has been on to them for years now...
I had a really bad time being attacked by seagulls all over Portugal and came back to Brazil almost without usable footage because I was always worried and could not get the shots I wanted. That and my Mavic lens kept getting foggy.
I was flying my Spark in the Vail Valley this weekend and I had a couple of swallows diving at it. Way smaller than a gull and I don't like their chances if they got too close but if they managed to hit it I bet it would go down!
I was flying my inspire 2 taking commercial aerial photography on the north side of Chicago last week when I saw three seagulls flying circles around, swooping towards the drone and making terrible noises. I even tried launching from another spot down the block but... they found me...
My Phantom 3 Pro was attacked by a few seagulls only last Sunday. My daughter was controlling it when they started buzzing it. I took over and made a few sharp turns to frighten them off, to give me time to bring it down.
Check out my new video Dji Spark video test https://youtu.be/3MsA70Qrx4Q.