If you've been longing to make your photos a lot more interactive, there's a new app launching today that’s set to cure your itch. The mad scientists at Fyuse have come up with some incredibly cool spatial technology that blends photography and video to create a unique and interactive experience, all from your iOS or Android device.
With its unique ability to stitch together a series of photographs taken from different angles, Fyuse can be thought of as Instagram for 3D photos. To capture a spatial image, you simply begin moving your phone around various axes or let your subject move through the frame and Fyuse will then join these images into a seamless, smooth and blur free 3D image that you can later interact with. While the image captured in Fyuse is best viewed on your mobile device thanks to its touch and gyroscopic capabilities, they can also be shared embedded on the web for all to see. In addition to its 3D capture and display tools, Fyuse also comes with Pintrest-style galleries where you can save your favorite collections as well as various filters to change the look of your captures.

Viewing Fyuse 3D images
Fyuse’s CEO Radu Rusu describes his motivation behind creating the app with this quote: “Ten years ago I realized something was missing. A photo is a moment in time. A video captures time. But what about a moment in space? This is my daughter Emma (http://fyu.se/v/ca3be38b7). As you move the phone, you can see her from different angles - as if you had a window looking into the past. This captures so much more than a photo - her laugh, the way I hold her, the way she moves her little hands. My team has been working on this for the last 2 years. I can’t wait to share it with the world."
Fyuse officially launched this morning and can be downloaded via the iTunes app store here.
this looks like it's basically a video that is played and rewound according to phone or touch movement...
That's what I was thinking. Guess I'll try it just to see.
seriously... even after clicking the link to that "3D photo" with his daughter... it's literally just a video that you move forward and back. there's nothing 3D, much less "revolutionizing" about this.
Jorge, that's what happens when you want to have an article posted about a new technology ;) You have to use older technologies like pictures, movies and GIFs to embed something in a website.
I'm glad you brought this up. This has little to nothing to do with video. Check out a few examples here to understand why:
As you know, movies record time. Once you hit the record button, it doesn't matter if you move or not, time keeps on passing by, and your camera captures and stores data at 30/60/120/etc frames per second.
Fyuse records space. From the moment you open the camera, data is being analyzed constantly and only when your hand is moving it starts being integrated into a visual graph structure, where nodes contain visual data (2D and 3D - more about this later) and the edges are smooth transitions between nodes. This is the "revolutionary" part -- although I don't like to use the word "revolutionary" but "evolutionary" instead: it takes photography which is already awesome, and just adds to it.
The first example video that I posted shows how you can create a dynamic panoramic representation of a scene via a selfie fyuse. If this has been done before, tell me who did it so we can hire them, as we did spend a ton of time and energy on that technology.
The second example shows what's possible in the space of tagging once you have structure in the scene: a fyuse is a decomposition of layers and because we have spatial information about the layers, we can attach sticky 3D tags on objects and track them.
Finally the third example, is what we like to call "bullet-time" or "slow-mo" or "infinite smooth" fyuses. You take data at an arbitrary frame rate and you produce infinitely smooth, sub-pixel frames from it, while preserving motion in the scene too. Again, only possible if you have some notion of 3D or space, and use layers.
There's a lot more going on, but I'll let you first explore the app, as I don't want to ruin all the surprises. Also - this is just the beginning ;)
Please keep in mind that a Fyuse is on average 2MB. Getting any of this with any of the existing file formats out there (e.g, movies, pictures, animated GIFs) would be impossible.
Brian, hope you'll have fun with it. Not sure if the animated GIF will play here.. let's see.
Feedback welcome!
I tried the app and talked to the guys who made it - I believe they're doing a bunch of computer vision work to stabilize around the object you're pivoting around (creating a 3D model behind the scenes). If you try it by actually tilting your phone right/left, it feels way different than it looks in the photos/gifs.
Good point Karen. I completely forgot to mention that there's something called a 3D Semantic Stabilization engine under the hood in my reply to Jorje.
Damn, I was expecting to see a 3D selfie of you Michael. Cool app!
Ha, cool app. I like it. Fun to play with
Just downloaded it. Now out to play with it :) btw Radu that animated gif of yours is creeping me out a bit :P
I apologize :)
Interesting, but not new at all. Several other apps are already in existence that do the same thing.
Would you mind pointing one to us?
Radule, esti tare!
Ce zici de o rama foto digitala cu senzor de miscare care sa miste fotografia in functie de miscarea ta?
Sau poate camera web poate fi folosita ca "senzor" si misca fotografia?
Te descurci tu!
P.S. Cautand amanunte despre Fyuse am găsit acest site foarte interesant.
looks like fun, i cannot tell as it crashes my old iphone 4 ( ios 7.1 ) so yeah. :(