A Beginner's Guide to Astrophotography

Astrophotography can be one of the neatest and most interesting genres, but it is also one of the most challenging, requiring a lot of very specific knowledge and techniques, as well as some very specialized gear. If you would like to get started with astrophotography, check out this fantastic video tutorial that will show you the ins and outs of the genre. 

Coming to you from AstroBackyard, this excellent video tutorial will show you everything you need to know to dip your toes into the world of astrophotography. Astrophotography can be one of the most entrancing genres to undertake, as you will unveil some truly incredible treasures that we could never see with our naked eyes. If you find you enjoy the craft and want to get seriously better images, the first thing you should consider investing in is a German Equatorial Mount. These solve the most fundamental problem with astrophotography: the Earth is constantly rotating with respect to the star field, so you can only expose for so long before things start to blur. And in a genre where light is so precious, the longer you can expose, the better. These mounts rotate at the same rate as Earth itself, allowing you to cancel out that rotate and create much longer exposures. Check out the video above for the full rundown.

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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