Two Fun and Funny Filmmaking Canadians Want to Teach You How to Be a Filmmaker

Vancouver-based filmmakers, Jason Lucas and Matt Dennison, are all about trying to make quality videos. They're also all about trying to help you make quality videos! In this seven-minute video the IFHT (I Focking Hate That) crew run down 32 steps on, "How To Be A Filmmaker". Even though this is actually a tongue-in-cheek comedic short, rather than educational guidelines, it totally falls in the the realm of, it's-funny-cause-it's-true. If you have had any hand in making films, something in this short is bound to resonate with you and make you chuckle.

What started off as a high school boredom project for their Facebook page led to an obvious and serious passion for filmmaking. Ok, maybe 'serious' isn't the right word given that they have a real flare for good ol' wacky fun, but they always put an emphasis on high production value. So if you want to watch some really well made videos that feature: honey being poured on a girl before feathers are blow on her, Santa on a mountain bike, a no clothes party, or rapping... a lot of rapping, then give their YouTube Channel a look. Not going to lie, a big part of my motivation for posting this video is that these boys are local and it's pretty much Canadian etiquette that they take me out for a few beer after this. Maybe it's time for an Fstoppers' meet-up Vancouver style?

Be sure to check out their behind-the-scenes video too.

[via IFHT Vlogs]

Kenn Tam's picture

Been holding this damn camera in my hand since 1991.
Toronto / New York City

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Nice! A lot of this stuff could be aimed and stills photographers as well. Well done!


I'd seen this one before. Pretty funny. They could have removed or combined a few of the categories. Some comments follow.

1- Buy a Camera
Yup ... I'm still shooting on a 5dMk2 (not that I do a lot of video work) and am looking at a 4k solution but people are already talking 8k ... WHEN WILL IT STOP!

2- Buy a lens
shooting mostly with my 24-70 f2.8 ... eyeing a few cine lenses if I get a bit more video work. :P

3- DIY
I'm 100% guilty of this. I have a bunch of worklights that I've adapted for video by mounting them to photography umbrella mounts. I've shot few things with them and, while I wish I had MORE POWER, they have worked out really well.

4- Photos of gear.
I do that as filler for my instagram when I'm prepping for a shoot (still or video).

7- Highest resolution
See #1

8- No such thing as too much memory
That is TRUE.

9- Red Camera ... post a pic.
At my day job we hired a crew to come in a shoot a 30 minute video for us ... they had a red epic ... I have shots. :/

12- Gaffer. (sparking)
Hihi ... I had to explain this to a band. I was shooting a video for them and as I was umpacking my lights I wanred them that if I cried out sparking it meant I was turning on some light.

18- ruin the movie viewing experience.
It has ruined it for me in some occasions. I went back to watch Supernatural a little while back (binge watch on Netflix) and couldn't help but notice all the flaws in the show (un-motivated lighting, constant reuse of driving footage, how the in car driving footage was all shot in studio with people moving lights around the prop car ... sometimes ignorance is bliss.

24- Hide mistakes
My daughter and I were bopred one weekend (she is 5) so we did some cute little videos of her doing magic tricks (with vfx) and the first video I forgot to 1- properly set my white balance; b- turn on my mic on my off camera recorder so I was stuck with in camera audio ...

26- Clients stupidity
Aaaaargh ... so much this. Not gonna give an example but THIS I could relate with most.

27- Wrong on set --- batteries
I;ve NEVER done this but I was shooting stills at a wedding and the "videographer" had forgotten the batteries ... he (and jhis assisstant) also didn't know how to mount a camera to a tripod ... he was twisting the camera unto the tripod instead of removing the quick release plate from the head ... and no, this was not just a guestdoing a favor ... this was a paid videographer ...

I just gave up ... I just buy cheap generic caps on amazon now. Depending on the size it can be as cheap as 10$ - 12$ for 4 lens caps.