Inspired by a video created by Maison Carnot, Photographer and Videographer Andrew Szeto created a memorable Iceland travel video by shooting through his Pentax 67’s waist-level viewfinder. Stating that he “wanted to bring something different to the table” while visiting the popular photography destination, the final result is uniquely light and personal. Check out the video as well as a behind-the-scenes look at how it was made.
To record his Pentax 67 with consistency and quality, Szeto built a custom-made camera rig that would hold a Panasonic GH5 at a fixed position above the medium-format camera’s viewfinder. The behind-the-scenes video below goes into detail about measuring, cutting, connecting the pieces of wood together, and attaching it all to the cameras for a sturdy shooting platform. As mentioned in the behind the scenes, Szeto accidentally forgot to pack a lighting flag that would be used to knock out reflections from the Pentax 67 while filming it. Making do with what he had, a black laptop sleeve was used.
One of the biggest challenges that Szeto faced while filming was keeping the rig stable and preventing the laptop sleeve from flying off due to the constant winds. This required some patience as he would need to wait for a short moment where there would be a break to get the shot he wanted.
You can see more videos made by Andrew Szeto on his YouTube channel or check out his website to learn more about his work.
I thought we were done with this gimmick.
Nope, thankfully we are still allowed to create whatever we feel like creating without having to meet the expectations of anyone else.
i love it
I love these step by step BTS video instructions on these rudimentary DIY jerry-rigs. Only thing missing was the duct tape.
Ha! Totally agree. Maybe it's a product of kids these days growing up in the tech age; they don't know how to actually make anything with their hands, or do anything they weren't taught in a classroom. As soon as he grabbed a piece of wood I started laughing. Anyway, I did like the actual video, and am glad he tried something different. Most people see a picture they like, then travel halfway around the world to try and take the exact same image. Silly people.
Again, more desire for uniqueness (and fleeting internet fame) than real art. Makes me think my "shooting through a ring of dog poop pasted on cardboard" idea will rocket me to internet glory.
real art? I really wonder what it is nowadays... I am sure we misuse this term, but nobody talked about art in this post.
I thought it had to be art to misuse two fine cameras in one Gogh. :)
But what do I know? Sometimes a unique use of material leads to surprising new discoveries. This might not be my cup o' tea but it's certainly thinking outside the box.
I hear ya fellas, and honestly I could have used some duck tape to keep the laptop sleeve on there haha. Just thought I'd try and bring something different to the table. The bts vid was trying to capture an experience was all. Thanks for checking it out anyhow!
Howling, I'd watch the BTS video of that, especially if you try it on a windy day.