Recent Travel Articles

Travel Photography Is Not Dead: Here’s Why

The global pandemic has brought about significant changes to how countless photographers and videographers work. With changing attitudes and shifting restrictions, how feasible is it to continue working as a travel photographer?

How to Edit Vacation Photos

Most of us love to take our cameras on a trip, but on the other hand, when you get home from a long vacation and are feeling tired, it can feel daunting to sit down to a few thousand photos. This helpful video tutorial will show you how to quickly and effectively edit vacation photos.

Has COVID Killed Travel Photography?

At the start of March 2020, I found myself at a photography convention in Cape Town, South Africa, to present a workshop on travel photography. The central theme of my presentation was the notion that it isn't necessary to travel to be a successful travel photographer. Little did I know that within a couple of weeks of that presentation, I would be putting my advice into practice as the borders of the world slammed shut virtually overnight.

Shooting Through a Window? You Can Still Make a Great Image With These Tricks

Whether you’re using your iPhone or regular camera, shooting through windows and transparent surfaces can be one of the trickiest situations you’ll encounter. With just a few simple tricks, you can greatly improve the results next time you try photographing through a window.

Is TSA PreCheck a Must-Have for Creatives Traveling With Gear?

No one enjoys the hassle of going through airport security, but for photographers and filmmakers, it can be especially frustrating and tedious to deal with having all of our gear unpacked, inspected, and repacked, and it can be a serious delay. TSA PreCheck has the potential to alleviate a lot of that, though. Is it worth the $85 fee for five years? This great video essay discusses the topic.

Pacific Northwest Escape Mission 5: Mount Baker and Picture Lake

Sometimes, you don’t have to stray too far to find what you’re looking for. After traveling the coast and sharing our journey with you, our Pacific Northwest Escape has come to an end with a stop in our own backyard, where Mother Nature’s beauty is on full display.

Pacific Northwest Escape Mission 4: San Francisco

Over the last year and a half, we’ve all realized the importance of connections. And as the world grapples with how to connect at a time when we’ve become increasingly isolated, there’s nothing better than finding symbols of hope in the real world.

Pacific Northwest Escape Mission 3: Natural Bridges in Oregon

The pandemic has forced many of us to stay home. But that doesn’t mean we can’t experience the wonder of our own backyard. And in the Pacific Northwest, there’s so much to explore. The last year or so has provided us with an opportunity to be inspired by Mother Nature and inspire other budding photographers by showing them the magic of America through our lens.

Pacific Northwest Escape Mission 2: Driving to Oregon

If you were inspired by the majestic beauty of Washington State’s North Cascades in the first leg of our Pacific Northwest Escape (you can read all about the adventure here), wait until you see the magic of Oregon’s coastline through our lens.

5 Travel Photography Tips From a National Geographic Photographer

Travel photography can be a tremendously fun and rewarding genre, but it comes with its own unique challenges, particularly with regards to time pressure and the need to be able to familiarize yourself with an environment and produce good images efficiently. This excellent video tutorial features National Geographic photographer Jim Richardson giving five tips that will improve your travel photographs.

The How and Why of Making a Travel Photo Essay

Instagram, in particular, is full of high-quality travel photography — there's no end to it. But if you want to tell a personal story from your adventuring or pique the interest of a commercial entity with the hope of landing a new photography client, then you need to be able to produce a cohesive set of images.

The Top Five Photography Spots in Socotra: This Place Is Beautiful

Socotra is one of the most stunning places on the planet to photograph. Its strikingly white sand dunes and breathtaking dragon blood trees certainly have a lot to do with it. But there’s way more to love about one of the planet’s most biodiverse islands.

3 Fresh Tips for Spring Landscape Photography

If winter is the season of monochrome, spring is the season of color. Spring, following a season of coma-like dormancy, reminds us that we inhabit a miraculous living organism. We are reminded that our planet is a colorful one. Absence, indeed, makes the heart grow fonder.

50 Non-Photography Items You Might Want To Carry in Your Camera Bag

Everyone has a pocket or two in their camera bag filled with odds and ends that they might find useful. If you’re the type of photographer that travels a lot or is often on-location you’ve probably developed a list of non-photographic items for various scenarios, based on your own experiences. Here is a list of all the things that can be found in my camera bags.

The Power of Reflexive Photography

It is easy to overthink landscape photography (as I am about to do now). For anybody prone to self-doubt, like myself, the act of landscape photography can be downright paralyzing.

Tips for Shooting Run and Gun Street Videography

Brandon Li has a talent for combining limited gear with creativity to produce film projects that seem to have a much higher production value. In this quick video, Li shows some BTS clips of how he finds his subjects and with patience gets better end results.

5 Things Every Outdoor Photographer Should Do

Whether you're a landscape photographer, street photographer, or something more niche, there are best practices for all photographers. Here are five things every outdoor photographer ought to do.

What You Need to Know About Traveling With Lithium Ion Batteries

The vast majority of batteries for cameras, computers, and other devices are lithium ion, and the government has very strict regulations on how you can travel with them. If you are headed somewhere soon, check out this helpful video that breaks down what you need to know about traveling with such batteries safely so you can avoid any hassles at the airport.

How To Create Cinematic, Travel-Style B-Roll

B-roll can make or break a video production. Although it seems simple to create video to fill the gaps, it certainly shouldn't be filler. Here is a behind-the-scenes look at how to create great, cinematic-looking b-roll.

Photographing Volcanic Eruption up-Close and Personal

While many of us are still experiencing travel blues as we're confined to our local areas, an Iceland-based photographer experienced a trip of a lifetime as he got to document a volcanic eruption occurring right in front of him.

Can You Make Passive Income Selling Your Existing Photographs Online?

Passive income, the Holy Grail of personal finances. Who wouldn’t want to make money from all those old photos without having to lift a finger? With that in mind, I’m going to share with you my own experiences as a casual photographer selling my existing back catalog of digital photos online. It’s been an interesting experience to say the least and I even made a little money.

ACDSee Photo Studio's Color Wheels Are Great for Refining Color in Travel Photos

In my look at the new features of ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2021, I was excited to see the inclusion of color wheels and tone wheels. I first started using this style of editor in video production; it’s a big part of what gives stylized video like Mad Max its distinctive look. When editing photos, however, it’s a great, intuitive way of working with the luminosity and color ranges in your image.

A Landscape Photography Course for Everyone: On Sale at 90% Off Today

Everyone has the capability to take incredible photos with the phone these days. Yet, most people lack the training of photography fundamentals that would turn their iPhone photos into works of art. Enter the newest landscape photography course from iPhone Photo Academy.

What are the Best Bird Photography Destinations?

Bird photographers can have it tough, with the discipline requiring enormous lenses, amounts of patience, and travel to get the best images of some of the world's most interesting and elusive birds. But where are the best, must-see locations?

Take Fewer, Better Pictures While Traveling, And More Video

How many pictures do you average per day while traveling? I often shoot between 500 and 600 frames. That’s one picture every two waking, semi-caffeinated minutes. On our last trip, however, I hardly took any. And the results were enlightening.

This New Modular Hardshell Backpack Is Close to Perfect

There's no lack of choice when it comes to camera bags anymore, with new arrivals happening almost every month. So. it takes more than a polished marketing campaign to catch a useful level of attention, and this newcomer is more than that.

How To Get the Most Out of a Photography Trip

Photography trips can be a really exciting time and a fantastic way to build your portfolio and come home with once-in-a-lifetime images. But with the time constraints imposed by a vacation, it can be difficult to get everything you want. This helpful video discusses how to get the most out of a photography trip.

Yes, Taking Photos Counts as Distracted Driving and Here's Why You Need to Stop

Back in March, during the early days of quarantine, one of my photographer friends posted a photo taken from the driver’s seat showing the empty highway stretched out before him. His caption, “it's never been safer to text and drive” was equal parts idiotic and infuriating. Not only was he taking a photo, but he was actively posting to Facebook while driving.

How to Feel Fulfilled by Your Work: Shoot for Yourself First

Around four months ago, amidst a harsh lockdown here in South Africa, I moved from the big city to a small coastal town, Betty's Bay, nestled between the Overberg mountains and the Atlantic Ocean. There was no work coming in, and there was no budget to rent additional gear for any shoots. It was worrying, but on the upside, I had to do something to occupy my mind and pass the time, and luckily, I had my camera to shoot while I wait. What followed was two months of intense filming and editing for my first narrative short film.

5 Quick Tips for Photographing Sand Dunes With Michael Shainblum

Michael Shainblum creates some breathtaking landscape work and is kind enough to share his knowledge with those looking to up their game. Watch this video for some helpful tips on capturing one of his favorite subjects, the challenging yet beautiful sand dunes.