Critique the Community


Submit your best images that incorporate "motion" for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 12 May 18 03:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

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This week's Critique the Community strays from our normal trend of genre specific photography and opens up submissions to any images that incorporate motion. Although our featured image could be categorized as a sports/commercial image taken by Monte Isom, we are inviting the community to submit images from any genre of photography as long as it incorporates a sense of movement or motion to it. We will be awarding the highest community rated image a free Fstoppers tutorial. In addition, we will be randomly selecting one entrant to win a second free Fstoppers tutorial. 

As soon as you've uploaded your submissions, we've made it easy for you to scroll through your fellow community members submissions to give them a rating as well. Please give an honest rating based on the Fstoppers rating system below. If you are found out to be abusing the system by consistently giving out extra low ratings,  your submission may be disqualified. We encourage you to preserve the constructive integrity of this contest by providing fair, honest, helpful feedback to each other.

  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 12 May 18 03:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • 282 people have cast a total of 14,251 votes on 242 submissions from 175 contestants.
  • Congratulations to the winners!

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Really should require explanations for people to be able to rate 1 star.

Although I'd require explanation of 2+ text lines for both 1 and 2 star.

I mean, it's Fstoppers. the amount of people voting 1 "a snapshot" is ridiculous. 90% of people on here are not posting snapshots taken with their phone. An image may be not great, but that doesnt mean it deserves a 1 star rating, as it's likely not a simple snapshot.

I feel like there needs to be 6 stars (although who ever uses a 6 star rating). I will put two for the images that are "not great but not a simple snapshot", but I will also rate a two for the images that are good, but could use a little work before they are a solid three.

I thought you might be right, until I got to the bottom of the page and saw the submissions. Of the first 10; 4 are snapshots, and 3 others may be decent photos, but the photographers are clearly confused on the point. Taking a picture of something moving, and showing movement in your photograph are 2 completely different things.

Sean, I fully agree with this: “Taking a picture of something moving, and showing movement in your photograph are 2 completely different things”. That said, please let me ask you: the photo of the woman playing soccer (red shirt) used by Fstoppers to promote this critique, which type is it?

I disagree I believe stop motion does portray motion

First off, I don't like the image because she looks photoshopped in. I would say that at least her jumping gives the sense of motion, since people are not usually in that position, but its not a very good representation of motion.

Do we have to judge the overall quality of the picture or how much sense of movement it conveys? I mean there might be a 5 stars picture that doesn't give the sense of movement at all.

Is allowed to enter more than one image?

Yes, two images

I believe you should disregard the community votes and not award a winner via these votes.

I bet there are people who have multiple accounts to pump their images in the contests and downvote other people's work.

I see fantastic images with very low ratings which are normally caused by 1 star voters...

Completely agree.

YUP agree sadly folks are like this

This is a great idea. Thank you!

lol, you think people do that so they can win a tutorial (no offense to the amazing work behind them)? Maybe you are right, I just don't see it but I guess I wouldn't put it past people.

You won't believe what people are capable of given the... wrong right motives.

Unless you believe that photos that have been selected by the Fstoppers staff, Elia Locardi, and other famous photographers as winners of contests or finalists are photographs worth 1 or 2 stars out of 5.

I don't really think people are doing this. The site says
"235 people have cast a total of 11,848 votes on 260 submissions from 186 contestants." That means at most, 49 accounts are completely for boosting scores, and I think that number is too high. Likely at least 25 of those are real people. 20 people casting votes is not enough to boost a bad image into the lead. The other 200 some voters would vote it down too much. This isn't to say someone isn't trying to boost a post, it's just to say it doesn't make a difference

You do realize that even if there are just 50 people downvoting with 1s everybody, it is a great deal, considering that there are "normal" users that also do 2 stars for most if not all photos just to try and pursue their fantasy of winning this.

It doesn't require a master's degree to see that there are photos that are 4 star worthy having just 2.x rating...

Maybe the photos just don't appeal to everyone? If you want math, (150*4+25*2+50)/225=3.11. Not a 4, sure, but even so - every photo in the critique follows the same percentage of solid numbers and 1's and 2's just because. I think that no matter how you look at it, the highest rated image will be one of the best.

Show me your photos so I can get to know your taste.

You seem to be very passionate about this and defending your angle, while your profile here is... totally empty.

p.s. An image that has been awarded by internationally well-known artists has how many chances of being voted a 1 or 2 stars ? And by how many ?
You can say that the Ferrari 458 won't be liked by every single person out there, but if you do a survey, you'll find out that 80%+ of the people would love it.
Same applies to a terrific image.
You can't say that a fantastic photo can normally attract 20 1 star ratings and another 20 2 star ratings.

I am not trying to say that no one has created fake accounts to try to boost their images - I'm trying to say that it doesn't affect which images have the highest ratings. Most of my automotive photography can be found on my Instagram @zackf82. My image in the critique is the Blue car and Helicopter

Problem is your way of thinking and favorable example of maths.

It would be wonderful if by the end of the voting we get some stats from the admins such as how many people have given at least 1 photo 5 stars.

I really enjoy these critiques. I think these folks truly know their craft. That said, I would like to know what the criteria are to select the 20 photos that will be later criticized. I would like to have greater predictability on this issue. I refuse to believe that the selection is totally random, to the simple taste of the one who chooses them.

It's based off whomever doesn't get down voted the most by people wanting to win. Glad the prize isn't a million dollars or I would be at one star.

Many of these are perfectly decent photographs, but I don't really get a sense of motion from them. How am I supposed to rate that?

I don't rate the ones that don't fit the contest at all. Just skip them.

Could we get a full week next time?

I originally had a different shot in mind, but there was no way I could make it to downtown Ottawa in time in the weekday to take that shot. I could if I had at least a weekend...

Contest Submissions

Click on the thumbnails below to comment and vote on each image.

Click here to learn about the Fstoppers rating system and what each star value means.