We're no strangers to drones here at Fstoppers. They provide opportunities for shots that were unheard of just a few years ago, which we take advantage of quite often in our work. Along with that, though, they create an entirely new way of working, and with that often comes some rather spectacular fails.
Drones are quickly becoming ubiquitous in the photography world. Affordability, coupled with advancing capabilities have brought them into the hands of more and more photographers in recent years. Their quick proliferation has also led to incidents and accidents – a lot of them. Few are quite as spectacular as this one, however, which comes to us from New Zealand-based photographer Guy Mac.
Having preordered a DJI Phantom 4 myself, I'm reminded that these awesome machines are rather fragile – certainly no match for a flying Jet Ski. We're also just not used to the idea of a camera floating in the sky next to us yet and the instinctual awareness that requires. As time marches on and their popularity continues to increase, I'm sure we'll see more of these videos. I'm glad no one was hurt in this instance, but I sure hope Guy had insurance on that!
Have you had any drone fails yourself? Share your story in the comments!
Tadananan ta dannnnn!!! And the crowd goes wild!
Drone, done!
Is that an Inspire? If so that's an expensive mistake on someone's part.
The video from the Inspire drone will pretty interesting also if it can be recovered.
I'd imagine (hope) anyone using a drone in such perilous conditions would have insurance to cover such an incident.