Easily Replace the Sky on Your Video Footage With DaVinci Resolve

As a photographer getting into video, it’s frustrating when you are not able to reproduce what you are used to with Photoshop. For example, the simple task of the replacing a sky in a frame can eat up a lot of time when you don’t know what you are doing. But thanks to DaVinci Resolve and Aram K, the process is actually much easier than you could imagine. It almost makes me wish Adobe would include similar tools in their apps.

Replacing a sky in Photoshop is incredibly easy with the new selection tools and a layer on top of the image. It takes a few seconds to get a decent result and no more than a few minutes to obtain an almost perfect result. With video editing software, it’s a different story. Especially when you are a photographer, and you don’t know the ins and outs of the app you are using. Trying to think the same way as you would with Photoshop, and you’re already lost.

But thanks to Aram K and its tutorial above, the process has become extremely clear and easy. As you’ll see, it’s actually not much longer than the method in Photoshop, it’s just a different thought process. It's one I personally could get used to easily and almost wish to find in Capture One, Lightroom, or Photoshop.

Are any of you photographers trying to include more video in your body of work or even in your services? What are some of your biggest pitfalls and issues? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Quentin Decaillet's picture

Quentin Décaillet is a photographer and retoucher based in Switzerland specializing in portrait and wedding photography.

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Thanks for the shout out!