We all like to get results and to know that our efforts have not been for naught. Sometimes, though, getting that killer shot is just not in the cards, often because of forces outside our control, which is when it's important to remember how effort and persistence will eventually pay off.
Coming to you from Craig Roberts of e6 Vlogs, this excellent video examines a topic that I think is of particular importance not just to landscape photographers, but those who work in any genre. I'll be the first to admit that I'm guilty of spending a few hours traveling to and traversing a location for landscape shots, only to be thwarted by the wrong light ruining the image I had in my mind, but still trying to force a shot. Of course, I'm not saying you can't improvise and create a different image (and in other genres, you often have to), but I've often tried to shoot and edit my way into the photo I wanted, when really, I needed to simply come back again when the light was right. I look back now and can pick out images I tried to get away with, when a bit of patience would have rewarded me with a much better shot. It's a great reminder that we can't control nature.
This reminds me off two missed opportunity to travel to North Wales. The weather.
I know Snowdonia was up there somewhere in the clouds, but all I have to show for it is a startled sheep on the opposite side of a stone wall. Haha.
Best inspirational articles on Fstoppers - Alex Cooke, hands down!
I'm just sharing the video; Craig is the inspirational genius! :)
Well, you had the work to share it right? hahaha