I’ve been practicing intentional camera movement occasionally for some years now. This technique, better known by its abbreviation, ICM, involves deliberately moving the camera during exposure. It turns out to be much more difficult than regular photography. You have to take movement into the equation.
Holding the Camera Still
In almost all situations, it’s mandatory to hold the camera still. If that’s not possible, a tripod is needed to achieve this goal. Everything will be full of details, making the most of the high pixel count of modern cameras. It often also involves small apertures for a large depth of field, with refraction taken into account. Techniques like hyperfocal distance and focus stacking are used to maximize sharpness in a photo.
I’ve been making perfectly in-focus photos since I started photography as a child. Or, at least, I tried to do so as much as possible. The only time camera movement was involved was during panning. Moving the camera parallel to the subject transforms the surroundings into a directional motion blur while the subject remains as sharp as possible.

Beyond the Sharp and In-Focus Photos
Deliberate camera movement during exposure is nothing new. It has been done for as long as photography has existed as a form of expression and art. I never took it seriously, partly because the photos I came across were nothing special. Often, they involved nothing more than thoughtless vertical camera movement in a forest. More often, the effect was achieved digitally with the help of Photoshop. Sometimes it involved the Adamski Effect as well, which is completely different from real ICM photography.
I didn’t like ICM photography and ignored it for a long time. I was convinced that photos had to be sharp and crisp—though when panning was involved, it was perfectly okay. However, even then, the subject had to be as sharp as possible.
This changed when I came across ICM photos that were truly amazing. That was the moment I started to get interested in this kind of photography, realizing it could be so much more. By chance, this was around the same time I discovered the beauty of in-camera multiple exposures.
The Difficulty of ICM
If you think intentional camera movement is nothing more than moving the camera during an exposure, you couldn’t be more wrong. ICM photography turns out to be much more difficult than regular photography. The latter involves a good exposure and composition, with a steady camera to prevent motion blur, of course. The former adds motion into the mix.

ICM photography involves other variables that must be taken into account. The shutter speed must be chosen carefully, not only in respect to any movement of the subject itself but also to the speed of the camera movement. Both must be fine-tuned for the best result.
Equally important is the direction of motion. You can’t move the camera during exposure in a random way. This must be done with respect to the subject and the motion of the subject, if present. The recorded movement also becomes part of the composition itself.

In other words, while exposure and composition are important for regular photography, ICM adds motion direction, speed, and a fine-tuned shutter speed to the equation. There are more factors to consider, making it much trickier to achieve a good result. However, there are also other things to take into account.
Focus, Focal Length, Filters, and Contrast
The long exposure needed for ICM photography can be achieved by using a low ISO value and a small aperture. In principle, f/22 is perfectly usable since you don’t have to worry about diffraction effects. Any softness due to diffraction will be impossible to see.

However, using such small apertures will reveal every dust spot on the sensor or even the lens. While this can be cloned out in post, it is better to avoid it altogether. Choosing a neutral density filter is the way to go. It also offers more flexibility when selecting the desired shutter speed.
Try to avoid wide angle lenses. The distortion of such lenses will result in curved lines at the edges of the frame. While this can be desirable, in many cases, it creates a strange visual flow in the photo. Being aware of this naturally occurring effect with a wide field of view is important.

Even though the subject has a lot of motion blur, ICM photography still requires reasonably good focus. It doesn’t have to be pinpoint sharp, which is often impossible due to movement, but it has to be close.
When the focus is as close as possible, lines and remaining details become much more pronounced. If combined with enough contrast in the subject, the effect of the camera movement will stand out. This contrast is important and can be enhanced in post if needed.

A Fixed Subject Versus a Moving Subject
There is a huge difference between photographing a fixed subject and a moving subject. When the ICM technique is used with the latter, the motion of the subject adds another variable to the mix, which can be challenging.

However, using the dynamics present will enhance the ICM effect. I find this offers greater freedom in the motion of both the camera and myself. For instance, walking toward the waves at the beach while moving the camera left or right.

A fixed subject often offers less freedom in camera movement. The movement must respect the subject to achieve a natural visual flow. In a way, this makes ICM techniques more difficult. However, it becomes interesting when combined with multiple exposures.
Adding Multiple Exposures to the Mix
ICM combined with multiple exposures in-camera offers a lot of flexibility. It allows a sharp image to be combined with an ICM image. This way, a subject remains more or less recognizable while the frame is filled with the desired motion blur.

The combination of ICM and multiple exposures can also be used to achieve an Orton-like effect, something I wrote about previously. You might want to look at that article as well. Combining multiple techniques makes it a great way to turn photography into something more than a normal recording of the world.

Final Thoughts
Now I know why I never liked photos with intentional camera movement. Most of the photos I came across back then involved nothing more than uninspired movement of the camera with no respect for the subject or composition. I also disliked digitally manipulated ICM effects since I see them as nothing more than photo manipulation. That feeling hasn’t changed.

There is probably a place for ICM photo manipulation, but it’s not for me. I prefer photos that achieve the result on location. I have respect for photographers who turn photography into art by incorporating movement into the equation. I hope one day I can achieve similar results myself. In the meantime, I enjoy using ICM whenever I can. It’s fun and offers great satisfaction when the result is to my liking.

If you have experience with ICM, what would you recommend for photographers who want to use this technique? Are there things to consider that haven’t been addressed in this article? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
These are all very nice images. I'm going to try that, but I'll have to use a tripod since my Canon 5D Mark IV doesn't have in-camera stabilization. Have you ever tried using on-camera flash, a zoom lens, and a slow shutter at the same time? I used to do that a lot at weddings: focus on my subject with my zoom lens set to its widest focal length, press the shutter halfway down to engage the autofocus and flash, then zoom all the way in as the shutter is released. The flash freezes the subjects, keeping them sharp, while the slow shutter and zoomed lens gives everything else some very nice motion blur.
I use slow shutter speed with flash often during weddings. Dragging the shutter, a well known technique that can offer nice results when performed well.
I tried doing ICM a few years ago...it was fun...it was at night right before Thanksgiving, as I was photographing I took a lot of photos....since my photos I think seem to be out of focus I figured...why not try this...as it turned out...I got this photo that actually caught my eye...in the photo, I noticed what appeared to be a face in the woods of animals looking at me....I figured I would share it here...if you want, open it up, look for yourself....I went back a year later...same time, same thing...except this time, it looked more like
Thanks for sharing. I Like the first one of your examples.
Great photos and thoughtful advice on ICM.
There's not a lot of information about ICM out there, but your article is a good resource! I tend to have better luck with ICM by holding my camera still and letting the things in front of my lens do the moving. Sitting on a train and pointing your camera out the window is a good place to be for that kind of thing.
A few years ago, I read that you should set your camera to get a reasonably exposed image with a shutter speed of 1/10th to 1/2 of a second. You can turn on your self-timer, and throw your camera into the air just before the timer goes off. I've got an old DSLR with a broken-off hot shoe that still works, I've been meaning to try this with.
Hi Teddy. There actually IS a wealth of information available on ICM nowadays. The artwork has become far mor popular with magazines such as ICMphotomag(.com) leading the charge.
I have been exploring ICM for a number of years now and have written a variety of articles on techniques and my own experiences.
Check my website (alanbrownphotography.com) if wishing to see examples and learn more.
Throwing the camera into the air is something I wouldn't recommend. I did it once, and the camera dropped onto the ground, destroying the lens.
I’ve experimented with slow shutter techniques before, but ICM adds a whole new level of creative control :-) Your insights on movement direction and contrast make me want to give it a try. Great article!
Paul Tocatlian
Kisau Photography
I attempted to invert the image to create the effect of an old tapestry. I’m still experimenting, but to maintain the feeling of a woven canvas it is crucial to find a proper composition and execute the camera movements correctly.
That’s such a novel approach Alvin and offers something outside of the norm.
A great shot. I still have to try that technique
Hi Matt. Image stabilization has no part to play in ICM, in fact some would say it has to be disabled if present.
You can also leave your tripod at home - this just limits freedom of movement.
I have a wealth of unique information on my website if interested in knowing more about ICM - https://www.alanbrownphotography.com/
Your website has been incredibly valuable to me—truly the best. Thank you for it! I highly recommend it.
Thanks Alvin, that’s incredibly generous of you.
As my photography and website are purely a hobby responses such as yours are the best reward I could hope for.
Hi Nandi. Great article, I think you have covered the basics of ICM very well.
I have experimented with ICM for a number of years now, documenting techniques as I discover them (I fee.l that ICM is not a single technique……..).
As you state, ICM requires considered movements of the camera to gain the best results, but there is a lot of satisfaction to be gained during the learning phase.
My recommendations to those trying for the first time? Take LOTS of shots, learn from each attempt, and don’t get disheartened if initial results are not as expected.
I also have a lot of resources on my website that others have found helpful;
I thought I could add a couple more (useful?) suggestions based on my experience.
1. Avoid focusing too much on black-and-white photography. It simplifies things but takes away the unique color transformations.
2. Shooting people from behind isn’t always the best choice—portraits can be much more engaging.
Thanks for the addition. I think both black and white and color will work, but it also depends on the subject. Always choose what suits you best, I think.
I absolutely agree; both options work well, and the image's concept helps determine what to choose. I only meant that shooting in color is less forgiving but can greatly enhance your learning skills.
(It's a significant challenge for me to remove unpleasant grayish tones from the shot, but this issue can be easily avoided by shooting in black and white. However, it's a limitation I personally prefer not to work with.)
Never thought about how color is less forgiving. Definitely something to take into account.
When you're mixing colors on a palette with a brush, sometimes you get very 'clean' colors, while other times they appear muddier. The same thing happens when you're moving your camera and mixing colors on your sensor. To create a truly beautiful ICM image, it's essential to pay attention to this. And that's why the seashore at sunset always looks so beautiful in ICM—the color mixture remains clean and visually appealing.
This is my logic
I like to experiment and have been doing some ICM using my phone ( horror abounds). This evening I was out panning with some interesting results. I need to amend shutter speed a little I think although ISO looks reasonable without too much noise .... But I am an amateur and not sure about the ICM.. any suggestions appreciated .
Panning with different shutter speeds offers a way of finding the sweet spot. It's difficult, I think. But if you nail it, it's is very rewarding.
Great articule! Thank you.