This image was shot in my garage I converted into a mini studio. Using a 2.5x2m softbox I built myself I shot 4 different images while moving the softbox around the product. Once I was happy with the way the merged images looked (lightingwise), I proceeded to shoot the splashes. I used a big tub of water and a cup and proceeded to chuck water towards the bottle (and my camera!). There are about 7 different splashes in the final image. After that some minor touching up in Photoshop and some colorgrading and it was done.
Critique the Community
Product Photography
With Brian Rodgers Jr.
Submit your best product photos for your chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial
Submission Deadline: Thu, 11 Oct 18 03:45:00 +0000
This contest has ended.
Voting is closed.
Congratulations to the winners!