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Real Estate Photography

Submit your best real estate image for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Wed, 24 Jul 19 03:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.86 - "Solid" 

An entry way to an open air living area in Kona. This is an exposure blend of three shots taken 45 minutes apart starting right at sunset.

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Where's the top of the house?!?!

Believe it or not…this cropping drew the eye into the house. Leaving the tip was a distraction that pointed to the sky.

I actually thought more people would give me crap for not transplanting the palm!

Blown away by all the different light sources balancing out...and then I saw the palm! Clearly an awesome shot.

Thank you David!

It's not that I don't like the shot!

It just seems counter intuitive to cut the top off.

The tree, on the other hand, doesn't really bother me.

I don't really mind the tree as a foreground element since it's off to one side of the frame, but it seems like an odd choice to cut off the tip of the roof like that.

Im surprised they haven't asked you where the rest of the house is too, lol. Just jokes guys, don't go crazy on me. This is an easy 3 for me. Just personal opinion, but if the rock wall wasn't as hot as the interior light, it would be a 4 all day for me brother, but there was no 3.5. Nice shot.

Beautiful! solid one point perspective! I love the palm tree in the shot! I think maybe the purple tone in the palm tree could be toned down a bit as well as the cyan in the water. I prefer the highlights to be toned down just a tiny bit, but other than that well done! really great work!