Critique the Community

Portraits of Senior Citizens

Submit Your Best Portraits of Senior Citizens For Critique
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 14 Mar 20 02:00:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
3.79 - "Excellent" 
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This is excellent! Incredible shot.

Thank you Darek

Love everything about this!

happy to know that Kyle !!!

Beautiful photo!

Thank you Jonathan !!!!

This is just about as good as it gets. Very well done. I'll use this for inspiration when a similar opportunity presents itself, or I attempt to create it.

Thank you for your comment !!! Happy to inspire you!!!

Woww ! More than words can say !

Thank you Mahesh

love this

Thank you Jason

Wow... Outstanding !!

Thank you Jay!!!

This image grabbed me. Beautiful, meaningful and perfectly captured.

Thanks Teri!!!

Love this shot!

thank you Lonnie

If they were in different clothing, This would look like a masterpiece painting from a few hundred years ago. What a great shot. Very well done.

Thank you Daniel. Will try for the next time !!!

Don’t do anything with that, man! It is an excellent art piece already.

thank you Alex !!!

Didn't really mean it for a task for next time. Just was complimenting that it looked like an old painting in styling, subject and colors. If they had been in old clothes, I would have thought it was an old masterpiece painting.

I think, this one deserves the first place.

Thank you again Alex, I hope so ))

Actually, if you share the full-res image with me, I’ll edit it in a painting style for you.

Thank you for the offer, Alex. I actually have some variations of editing ,and one of them is a kind of renaissance stile ))

Love this!