Critique the Community

Images Taken During Quarantine

Submit Your Best Image Taken During Quarantine
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 09 Apr 20 02:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.72 - "Solid" 

Texas smoked brisket from a cook this past weekend (3/29/2020). I went for a dark and moody look considering all that is going on in the world. I am thankful that I have been able to continue to shoot food during this time.

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dang, you just made me hungry...

Thank you! 🍻

Could actually have an Ice Cold Corona with that! LOL

That looks really nice and juicy. Maybe try framing it a bit wider next time so you don't cut of the knife and depending on how big it is the board.
But back on the more important topic: where do I need to go to get a peace now? =D

Thank you! I’d share if I had any leftovers 🤷‍♂️

Fair point about the knife. The combination of the knife being very long and the board not being that big had the tip of the knife sticking off the edge. I didn’t like it so I cropped it but it’s still valid CC.

Great capture- Love the colors. Deniz is right - maybe frame it so the knife isn't cut off. The light falloff on the left side of the frame is a bit steep - part of that tasty looking meat falls into shadow.

Now I want to cook. Thanks

Thank you! 🍻 Valid feedback is always appreciated!

I need to get a propper smoker

oh man... i want this meat right now!! so tasty!!