Critique the Community


Show Us Your Best Portrait, Win A Full Lighting Kit
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 30 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.35 - "Needs Work" 

This is a shot of a good friend I had in Spain. Now sadly dead. He was a very interesting man having lived many years in The Philipinnes. Not a pro photographer but very enthusiastic amateur. I met him through a group of photogs in Spain. This image was tken with available window light at a meeting of our group. It would have ben taken with my Sony A7II and also certainly with the 24/70mm. Maybe some will say that it is a snapshot. Insamuch as it is not in a studio and was done with merely the camera in the hand, well, they may be right, but it was taken very carefully with a lot of thought. I believe that it shows his character-at least to those that knew him, and that is what portraiture is all about after all.

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