Critique the Community


Show Us Your Best Portrait, Win A Full Lighting Kit
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 30 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0000

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    View Results

Community Avg
2.89 - "Solid" 

Amplifying the stories of women and their unique experiences as they take ownership of their bodies, freely and fearlessly.⁣⁣ It’s about diversity, celebrating individuality and embracing our differences.

Canon R6
Tamron 45mm 1.8
Main Light: 60 inch umbrella (Overhead)
Fill Light: 36 inch softbox (45 degrees)
Handpainted Canvas Backdrop

The picture was taken in my apartment's living room, which is quite small. Because there isn't much room to step back, the composition isn't perfect. The empty space above their head was purposely done to add a title behind their heads for a cover. However, even with my space restrictrictions we did our best with the space we had.

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1 Comment

Great image and given the confines of the space you're working in you've done a fantastic job. Lighting is looking on point and you have given all sitters equal opportunity in the composition of the image.

If I had a critique, it would be around some of the poses of your sitters and how limbs sit and overlap others in the image.

Keep up the great work.