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1.41 - "Snap Shot" 

This is just some image, I prefer to think of it as the "voyeur" since it's part of kind of a "voyeuristic" series.

Shot in a hotel room when I was visiting Toronto with a local model who looked half like Bette Davis and half like Scarlet Johanssen (can't go wrong there) and she was just awesome all around.

We did a lingerie/nude photo shoot in the room and then we moved to the washroom, I enjoy using that as a setting since the light just bounces off the walls, ceiling, and floor plus mirrors and you can get some spectacular shots.

I asked her to sit on the sink/vanity and do some poses while I was literally in the bathtub hiding behind the shower curtains, after getting some shots with curtains in we managed to get some great shots while I was trying to not get my reflection in the mirror, as you can see if you zoom in, I failed.

I really like this shot because it shows her facial features very well,it shows her versatility with the posing while sitting on a narrow sink (she is like 5;9"?) and also it shows that you can get a great (quirky?) portrait shot with a fully nude model without actually showing all the naughty bits.

It would look better in a studio. Maybe, but the setting gives it a true "voyeuristic" edge to it that cannot be achieved in a studio, even if her facial expression and pose are not very normal.

Shot with the Canon 5D mark 3 and the 24-105mm f4 IS lens which is my go-to lens usually as well as with a speedlight which you can kind of see in the image since it's reflecting in the mirror as well.

What do you think of her pose?

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1 Comment

Not so much voyeuristic as peeping tom vibes. The flash colours everything and does not seem to be an artistic nude, but is shot more in a documentary style and speaks more to the photographer in the mirror than the model.
Everything distracts from whatever you were trying to say. The model's pose is awkward and unbalanced. Her hands are not placed nicely just sort of hanging there strangely. No real tones in the picture and may have been better as a bleached-out black and white with the lips still red.
The look on the model's face does not really seem to say a lot.
The towel and rack in the background is weird and distracting. The plug socket at the back is similar.
And being sat like that on the sink just screams of why? And the danger of falling off.
For me, the lighting choice does not enhance the model in any way if anything it detracts but not sure what you were looking for when you shot this. Even in a hotel room, you need to stage it better was this about the model her pose or the lighting? What story are you telling us?
Just seemed like a weird exercise in shooting a non-nude nude.