Critique the Community

Unique Lighting

Photos with "Unique Lighting" Win $2,500 in Profoto Light Modifiers
  • Submission Deadline: May 25, 2024, 3:45 AM

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Community Avg
2.76 - "Solid" 

This image was created as part of a Halloween-themed shoot. We wanted to create something haunting but also with a flare of innocence. The image was shot in the studio, and the forest was added to the post. The lantern is real, and the way we were able to give it that hazy glow was we actually filled the inside of the lantern with fog before taking the shot. The shot is mostly lit by the lantern itself but there is also a big octo providing fill as well as a blue gel-ed rim light to achieve the effect of moonlight on the right side of the subject.

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