Critique the Community

Moody Lighting

Submit Your Best Moody Images

Night Walk

I actually shot this picture mid-day with the image in my mind of a twilight scene, but it was so cold that winter that I really didn't want to return at night. So with a lot of dodging and burning, and inverting the tones in a few areas of the picture, and adding yellow light to the lamp post, this was the result of changing day to night.

Nikon D800E, F/16, 1/25 sec, 24-120 lens at 85mm.

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I love this shot. It is great. I actually dont find it MOODY but atmospheric. In my humble opinion it would be better darker with some vignetting. Thanks for showing us

My first thought was... Aren't moody and atmospheric pretty much the same? Upon further reflection, I would say that atmospheric is a more narrowly defined term, which fits my photo. Fog would be the first thing that comes to my mind. On the other hand, moody would largely be a subjective interpretation of the picture. I can see from so many of the contest entries that moody depends more on how the photographer emotionally responded to the scene before him, rather than how the picture actually impacts the viewer. Many of them are dramatic lighting, but don't strike me as exceptionally moody. Some don't depend on any sort of dramatic lighting at all... a human portrait can express great sadness or happiness, communicating a strong sense of mood from just the nature of the subject itself. If someone is crying, all I have to do is remember to take the lens cap off and I'll get a moody picture. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write, which planted the seed for thought. As is often the case, it creates more questions than answers.

I really did love that picture.