Justin Bieber Supposed Major Photoshop Treatment in Latest Calvin Klein Ad Appears to Be Fake

Justin Bieber Supposed Major Photoshop Treatment in Latest Calvin Klein Ad Appears to Be Fake

Justin Bieber is no stranger to the being in the media, whether it’s for any of his numerous tasteless stunts or even his interactions with photographers. This time it’s his most recent photoshoot for Calvin Klein that has the celebrity blogs buzzing, where an allegedly leaked, unedited photo shows major differences in muscle mass and body hair among other altered features. However, the question still remains: is it real?

A recent photoshoot for Calvin Klein features Justin Bieber undressing and posing half naked alongside Lara Stone. After the release of these photos, Breath Heavy, a popular celebrity gossip site claimed to have an unedited photo from the photoshoot that was sent to them by an anonymous source that was supposedly involved in the shoot. The photo, seen below compared with the published ad, shows significant manipulation to Bieber’s dimensions including the near doubling of his arm mass, additional muscle enlargement in his back, pecs, and thighs, and the enlargement of his hands, butt, and bulge.

This, of course, left numerous tabloids buzzing and even inspired a hilarious parody photoshoot. However, Pratik Naik, head of Solstice Retouch isn’t convinced by the so called “original”. When I talked with Pratik, he pointed out several flaws in the leaked image.

Overall, just looking at the image should tell you that this isn't the unretouched file. What file out of our cameras look like this to start with? Sure, it could have been a preset but since the person doing this wasn't as knowledgeable, you can tell they tried to undo the contrast and went too far to give the illusion that it was some sort of “original” image.

1. The areas where the bottom of the underware meets the leg was done very poorly. You can tell this is where the logo was on the original and they tried to clone it out. The inconsistent patterns and odd textures don't match up. Anatomically, even the leg (camera left) doesn't match up to the rest of his frame well.

2. The odd highlights on the arm were the biggest giveaway. To make it “look” unretouched, they tried to bring the white and black point back to a way where it looks like contrast wasn't applied. The downfall of this is that the highlights stayed identical to the after due to a lack of detail in the highlights on the original “after” file.

3. The same about the waistband, you can see the black levels couldn't be brought back to a point that matches the overall tonality of the shadows in the image.

4. They tried to liquify the image back to what it would be like if he didn't have as much muscle mass. However, the anatomy now is inconsistent. If you check out his tricep, the indention, or dip, now doesn't make sense. Nor does the remaining volume still present on his upper back.

5. The terrible job on the liquify work is present across the frame. If you want to fake a leaked image, the anatomy will give it away.

Pratik included this image with the message

Pratik’s observations of a poorly altered fake seem to indeed be correct, as well as the dimensions of Bieber’s body matching in the published photos and the videos also included in the ad campaign.

It seems as though with the “unaltered” image indeed being altered the celebrity gossip world was abuzz over nothing. What do you think? Was the photoshoot tasteful? Did you like it? Do you think the images were altered? Let us know with a comment.

Sam Merkel's picture

Sam Merkel is a 19 year old photographer and student living in Madison, WI. He spends his winters traveling the midwest photographing various crews of snowboarders and his summers enjoying having feeling in his extremities.

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Photoshop works both ways.

Why would someone even bother going through the trouble?

On another note, we have another young person ruining their body with tattoos. It's no wonder tattoo removal is the fastest growth area in plastic surgery.

Enlighten me, how did my tattoos ruin my body?

They made you ask this question?

If you're trying to be funny, you failed. If you're trying to make a point... you failed at that too. That'd be like me saying that your lack of tattoos is the reason you take shitty pictures.

If you wanna try again I'll delete my comment when you actually say something funny.

i take shitty pics sometimes and i have tattoos, hmmmmmm.
on a different note, i really hate the bieb, i wish someone would kick his ass.

Wow! People have so much hate in them. Where does it come from?

He is a twat that is a bad influence on impressionable kids that idolize him. He makes headlines for so many negative things and you see him getting off with a slap on the wrist. He is learning of no consequences for his actions. If you really are asking this question it makes me think you don't have a TV with news just playing.
Google up some of the antics he gets away with that would result in other, harsher, forms of punishment.

As for this incident, I feel he truly the victim from this. It's something is done repeatedly and somehow we hold it against him like it is a giant no no yet everything you see out in the public has been altered with no consequence. Rob Timko made the comment elsewhere in these comments that hits it dead on.

How about teach your kids to look up to people like doctors, astronauts, scientist, etc. etc, instead of pop stars!!! He has not done anything that has been that bad. If you want to get pissed off at people for their bad actions, you may want to look towards bankers and politicians for starters.

I bet somebody already has and he spent millions making sure we never heard about it.

Well, by definition it is self-mutilation. There is no going back in the case of large numbers of tattoos. There is often scarring as a result of even attempting to remove smaller tattoos.

Let me ask you a few quick questions. Do you know how you are going to feel about your tattoos later in life? After all, the many people fueling the tattoo removal industry certainly didn't. Why would you make such an extensive and permanent alteration to your body in that light?

Would you wear the same clothing everyday? No? Then why would you place permamnent designs into your skin?

Try and look at the situation logically, and long term. I can't tell you how many woman I know and have met that regret getting tattoos when they were young. That should not be surprising to any reasonable thinking person.

That said, I do support those really cool temporary tattoos.

I'm not young and I still plan on getting more.

'nough said. Go take some pictures.

We are always young and ignorant compared to the people we are going to be in the future.

You also didn't answer any of the questions.

Many people dislike their tattoos when they're older. Many of them also still love them.

I have no tattoos.

Many people get married and stay happily married. Others get married thinking they will like themselves, their spouse and their life until death do they part. They have kids. And then many get divorced and it negatively effects their children and also often takes much of one of their annual incomes away. Should none of us get married because divorce rates are higher in this country than ever before? Should we not get married for fear of what could happen or how we might think of our chosen partner? There are many nasty things that come from divorce.

In the end it doesn't matter what other people think of you if you do or don't have tattoos. As long as the person with them is happy, nothing else should matter. Smoking is self mutilation. Drinking is self mutilation. Living is LA or other major cities with bad air quality is self mutilation. We all damage our bodies on a daily basis voluntarily. I've never seen anybody die early because they have tattoos. I've seen plenty die early from smoking and drinking. (I drink. My choice.)

Instead of commenting on somebody ruining their bodies because of a choice to display artwork on it, why not focus on the person they are. I think Bieber is a douche. Not because of how he looks, but because of how he acts and treats others.

Would you then have no problem with your child getting tattoos all over his or her face? After all, so long as they are happy.

You may say no because they are children and are not mature enough to make such a decision but everyone is immature compared to who they are going to be in the future.

I'm not sure where you live, but here, it's illegal to tattoo children.

How is this even relevant? I'm not a child and I didn't get tattooed as a kid.

Well, getting tattoos all over their face is quite extreme, even in the already extreme world of tattooed people.
But let's say I have a kid. Let's say they reach the age when they can legally get tattooed. Let's say my kid gets a tattoo on their face, sth like in the attached picture. I don't think I would mind that much... I'd maybe try to talk them out of it, explain why such an extreme tattoo could affect their life (mostly because of people who share Your point of view, Chris), but in the end it is their decision to make, and its consequences to live with.

My mom was 60 years old when she got her first. She now has 3 and loves them. I love how people judges others with tattoo's, just because they personally don't like them. :/

Then clearly your mother is an exception to most people. Most doesn't equal all. That said, who knows, in 10 years she may not like them anymore.

No judgements were made. I only stated facts and the truth. Is it self-mutilation? Obviously. You are permanently and radically altering the appearance of the natural body. Can people fully predict what they will be thinking many years from now and who they will become? Of course not.

If you avoid experiences because the results are permanent I really do pity you.

Just because there are people that go out and remove a tattoo doesn't mean that everyone with a tattoo has regrets over it. So what you have met many people that regret tattoos. Do you realize how many people out there are tattooed that you don't have a single idea about? There are a few friends I know that didn't have a tattoo for years until we made a trip to a river or pool party of some sort where it is revealed they have been tattooed.

If you don't want a tattoo, by all means don't get one. No one is forcing you. Share a bit about yourself so we can make presumptions about you and how you feel about things.

Read more carefully what I wrote. I never said, or even suggested, that "everyone" will have regrets over getting tattoos. The fact is, most people do.

Sadly, I am well aware of the widespread fad of tattooing, especially amongst younger woman. The fact that some people have tattoos that are normally not visibile is not relevant to anything I have said.

Actually, it is people that get tattoos that are doing the presuming. They presume to know the future, and how they will feel about permanently marking up their bodies when they are older.

It really doesn't sound like you actually know many people with tattoos. I don't have any myself but I know tons of people of all ages who have tattoos and ranging from all walks of life. And when I say a lot I mean really a lot. Out of all of them I know only one single person who regrets her tattoo - one an abusive boyfriend forced her to get of his name in a private area (on the upside only her boyfriends and ex-boyfriends have any idea it exists). Just one, and she didn't get it by choice. Yes there are others, but to say "most people" is one of the least educated viewpoints because it's simply not true and I am quite positive you cannot back that claim up with statistics from anywhere.

"to say "most people" is one of the least educated viewpoints because it's simply not true and I am quite positive you cannot back that claim up with statistics from anywhere."

Here you go.


I'm middle aged and planning my next tattoo. I don't care about the girls you know who got tramp stamps for their 18th birthday, my personal experience with tattoos has been different. I am an adult who doesn't regret my tattoos. Get that through your fucking head.

Your grasping for things.

What is it you think I am grasping for? You are the one grasping by interpreting my most as "everyone." I have been very clear, focused, and thorough in what I have discussed and addressed.

Hey, Chris. I have a full sleeve, because I also happen to be a musician, and it's a part of my scenic image. And I've started getting tattooed at the age of 29, so not exactly an 18year old whim, is it? And, I am also already planning the other sleeve too, just because I think it's dope, and I want them ;)

This is not even a topic about tattoos - it's about Biebs and his photoshoot, so please stop trying to make people with tattos feel bad. Because You never will - you will only make yourself seem like a prickly and quite stupid fellow. You don't like tattoos, don't frikkin' get them, but don't judge me or any other tattoed person, because you know jack shit about them ;)

End of rant


I think Bieber spawns so much hate in people because he embodies all that is wrong with modern generations, plus he succeeds at being a shitty musician and gives away an impression of being a shitty person too.

But intentionally trying to make a guy look bad sucks big time. I actually think he may look like in the ad, because let's face it - he can afford a private gym, and a personal trainer, and I don't think he is twelve anymore :D

Still, I think I'll rather switch to victorias secret nowadays, than actually wear something that he advertises as "manly" :P

"because I also happen to be a musician, and it's a part of my scenic image"
Well, I dont want to get into this discussion about the good or bad of tattoos. And I also have one tattoo. But this sentence of yours is a hilarious and stupid reason to get a tattoo in the first place. Just my 2 cents.

Keep on reading, I think I also said I think they look awesome, and I want more ;)

"Hey, Chris. I have a full sleeve, because I also happen to be a musician, and it's a part of my scenic image. And I've started getting tattooed at the age of 29, so not exactly an 18year old whim, is it? And, I am also already planning the other sleeve too, just because I think it's dope, and I want them ;)"

Robert do the tattoos make you a better musician? Of course they don't.

29 years old is still young to a 40, 50, 60.....year old. I wanted things when I was younger that I regret today, but none of them were permanent alterations to my body.

"This is not even a topic about tattoos - it's about Biebs and his photoshoot, so please stop trying to make people with tattos feel bad. Because You never will - you will only make yourself seem like a prickly and quite stupid fellow. You don't like tattoos, don't frikkin' get them, but don't judge me or any other tattoed person, because you know jack shit about them ;)"

Clearly, I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad. I have reasonably, logically, factually, and most importantly, respectfully, shared my view on the matter. What's interesting to note is how defensive, and disrespectful, people with tattoos get when any criticism about them comes up. Why would that be if you guys are so sure that you do not have, or will not have, any regrets getting them?


Well, let's be honest now. It's not unreasonable to discuss such an issue considering how much of the photo is taken up by the tattoos. To this site's credit it is encouraging to see that they are even actually allowing such a discussion to take place in the first place. Most site's today are so crippled with political correctness and censorship that it is laughable that they refer to their forums as forums. Bravo FStoppers. Keep it up.

Remember also that photography touches upon many social issues that are worthy of discussion. Look at how much discussion is going on after I shared my views. That's a good thing my friend.

Good luck in your music career.

Maybe we're so defensive, because at one point or the other we get tired of being asked the same questions over and over.

I meant You no disrespect nor offence, sir, and I hope there is none taken.

"Robert do the tattoos make you a better musician? Of course they don't."

Nope, they by no means make anyone better at anything. But music (as in music business) is not only about the sound, it's also about the show. People come to rock and metal shows for many reasons. One of them being the opportunity to get a sense of this "rock'n'roll" lifestyle that they don't have (and neither do the musicians, btw, but that's not the point here). So, who do you think is more attractive onstage? A clean shaven Everyday Average Joe with a guitar hanging a couple inches below his chin, or a bearded, tattooed, longhaired dude rockin' a guitar that hangs at pelvic-height ? The image (sadly) is more important thn music today, and as bad as it is for the industry, I have to say I do like this image, I feel good this way. So rather as a way of trying to be something I'm not by getting tattooed, I got tattooed as a natural evolution of my lifestyle and line of work. And it was after a few years of carefull consideration.

"29 years old is still young to a 40, 50, 60.....year old."

Yeah, sure, I still feel Young too, being thirty now. But 30 is not 16 or 18, which means I am able to make a little bit more informed and carefull decisions, with less chances of regret. Am I right?

"I wanted things when I was younger that I regret today, but none of them were permanent alterations to my body"

Thing is, that people without tattoos make a much bigger deal of them then people with tattoos do. I don't think about it on a daily basis, it has just become my arm now, and that's it. It's as if I asked You if you ever get bored with having an arm. You don't think about it - it just is there. And it's the same thinking and mentality with a tattoo - it just is there. When I'm taking care of it with some inkbutter or other cosmetics, I take a look at it, and I think - hellyeah, I like my tats! And that's it, I finish the procedure and carry on with my life.

"Clearly, I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad. I have reasonably, logically, factually, and most importantly, respectfully, shared my view on the matter."

That You have. Far more respectfully, it seems, then I have replied. For which I am sorry - there's hot blood within my veins, and sometimes it boils a little to easy. My apologies once again.

"What's interesting to note is how defensive, and disrespectful, people with tattoos get when any criticism about them comes up. Why would that be if you guys are so sure that you do not have, or will not have, any regrets getting them?"

I've already adressed that - in my case it's because a lot of people give us the proverbial shit about our ink. And the other times, I guess, tattooed people, just like majority of people in general, are simply assholes :P

"Well, let's be honest now. It's not unreasonable to discuss such an issue considering how much of the photo is taken up by the tattoos."

Right, there's a lot of ink going on on Biebs, but the article is about a completely different issue, to which the tats are irrelevant. Having said that, however, I do agree that fStoppers is an awesome community and it's a homepage in my browser for a reason! ;)

Take Care :)

I only asked the relevant questions to those choosing to engage in a discussion opposing my view on tattoos.

You could get temporary tattoos and the effect you seek on your audience would still be the same. I never mentioned anything about body hair. It's not a releavnt thing to bring up since one can obviously choose to either shave or not shave. In other words, you are not stuck with a beard.

When I look back to being 30 compared to who I am today, in many ways I was child in comparison. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling you a child, but thankfully as people get older they feel the same way. It means they are learning and becoming better people.

I appreciate the apology. As a native New Yorker from NYC, I fully understand the passions of people. :) Thankfully my upbringing also gave me a very thick skin.

Sure people that have tattoos are not going to be making a big deal out of them now, but now is not what I have been talking about. It's what they will feel about them in the future. The evidence shows that many, if not most, older people regret getting tattoos. It's why tattoo removal is such a fast growing segment of the plastic surgery market.

My concerns are mostly for the really young. I have seen so many stunningly beautiful young woman, teenagers, impulsively getting tattoos. Rememeber the fad of tattoos just above their butts? The same tattoos that are now referred to with a derogatory term.

On the bright side, it keeps getting easier and easier for new technology to remove tattoos. Perhaps in the future such a discussion will no longer be relevant as it will be easy and inexpensive to do so, and without any lingering effects.

Thanks for the discussion.

How I will feel about them in the future remains to be seen. How I will feel about my current self in the future also remains to be seen. And yes, thanks for the discussion - have a good day (or night, whatever the time is at your end ):)

I'm retired so I'm not really sure of the time most times. I used to think that was a good thing. Now I m not so sure. :)

Are you circumcised?

Cutting your foreskin off is just as permanent as my tattoos.

I love my tattoos now, and have no idea how I'll feel about them in the future. Either way, my body will likely not be that pretty to look at when I'm old. That being said, each of my tattoos have fond feelings and memories attached, and having them when I'm old could still mean a lot to me simply for the fact that I will have those memories attached to them.

I don't care if someone doesn't like that I have tattoos though, or thinks that I am ruining my body or I will regret them in the future. It's my body and my future.

You said it yourself, you have no idea how you will feel about them in the future. Surely that is something that people should seriously consider before getting a tattoo. That is the crux of what I have been saying.

Nothing I have said is denying you your sovereignty over your body.

Of course I think seriously about them before getting them. I don't know how I will feel about anything in the future though, so I would rather enjoy the moment while I have it.

I was simply responding to the comment made about "another young person ruining their body" that you made, which indeed does imply that you are attempting to deny others of sovereignty of their body by accusing them of ruining their body.

No, I am simply sharing my view on the matter, which also happens to be the truth. The natural appearance of the body is ruined. In the end, someone wanting to get a tattoo can still get a tattoo.

There is certainly great value in enjoying and living in the moment, but most of us will also live a long life were living in the moment, taken to the extremes, will lead to regrets that could have easily been avoided through clear, rational, and logical thinking.

Well I believe that not living in the moment will lead to regrets, and your view on what ruins the human body is seen as an enhancement to others. It is simply your opinion, but not the truth.

Sure, not living in the moment can certainly lead to regrets but it should go without saying that living in the moment doesn't mean we shouldn't or couldn't consider ramifications, otherwise we would all be acting like 2 year olds creating havoc all around us. :)

The body's *natural appearance* is ruined; that is the truth. It doesn't matter that a person thinks their body looks better as a result for that to remain true.

Now the most important indisputable truth that I have spoken is that no one can fully predict how they will think and who they will become in the future. That's all. It is the crux of my argument against getting tattoos since it currently involves permanency. As I mentioned in another post, perhaps in the future this kind of discussion will no longer be relevant if tattoos can be easily, inexpensively, and fully removed without lingering effects. In that case I would be in favor of them, as I am with temporary tattoos.

Chris, why are you here? Do you want to explain why this is a worth while debate on a photography website? I realize this is an article about Bieber but you confronting someone on a personal choice that in no way affects you either way is ridiculous. I get the whole "I can say whatever I want from the safety of my computer" thing but save it for a different website please.

Please don't quote such a thing so as to make it seem like I am such a person that has no consideration in what he says. At least extend me that courtesy.

Photography is a reflection of all aspects of life, so it should go without saying that such things, outside of just the technicalities of a photograph, are often and reasonably discussed. You are not forced in any way to participate in this particular part of the discussion.

There's two obvious reasons why someone would go to the trouble. A lot of people don't like Justin Bieber, so that would enjoy seeing him being made to look bad because "he asked to have his bulge made bigger in photos" so someone could create and "unaltered" image just to make him look bad. Alternatively, any sites could make this up as a news story with a faked image from an "anonymous" source and know they will get a lot of views for it.

That kid doesn't need any help in making himself look bad. I would have to question the sanity of the person and people running any sites going through such trouble.

This site took a gamble on posting this bad photoshop with the expectation it would bring massive traffic to it's site, it certainly did to the point their site crashed due to the enormous amount of traffic. In the end BreatheHeavy got massive international media coverage with their site being credited by most sites which reposted their article. Insane thing to do I agree, but a rather clever marketing campaign to get their site known. So they apologized and posted a retraction on their site but the bottom line is they are now known around the world when previously they were a rather obscure site that most people never heard of before. They used Justin Bieber's name and media draw for their own purposes.

I'd love to hear how it is ruining their body with a tattoo.

By the way, if your BMI is over 25, you drink, smoke, eat GMOs, ever taken pills, etc etc... You have no place to talk.

I'd love to hear how GMO is ruining my body...

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