10 Pieces of Gear You Should Always Have at a Video Shoot

There are some things you just never leave home without. If you're a filmmaker, these are those things.

There are some pieces of gear that can make your life easier and some that can make a shoot grind to a halt by their absence. Muse Storytelling has put together a great list of 10 such items and details their usage in the above video. While I've listed them below for your convenience, definitely watch the video, as they have some great and novel tips for using these pieces of gear.

  1. Black foil 
  2. Grip heads: I can't get enough of these.
  3. Light dimmer
  4. Cinevate Simplis
  5. Multitool: I modified this slightly. The video suggests a utility knife, but a high quality multitool will have a good enough knife for almost any situation, plus a plethora of other tools.
  6. Gaffer tape: You can never have enough.
  7. Apple box
  8. Sensor cleaning kit: Also see our comprehensive guide on how to clean your lenses, filters, mirror, and sensor.
  9. Lee 12x12 Assorted Gel Pack
  10. Threaded Jaw Clamp

Be sure to check out Muse Storytelling's website and Facebook. Do you have any pieces of gear you find constantly coming in handy on set? Let us know in the comments.

[via ISO1200]

Alex Cooke's picture

Alex Cooke is a Cleveland-based portrait, events, and landscape photographer. He holds an M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a doctorate in Music Composition. He is also an avid equestrian.

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11: Extension Cables
12: Clapper or Clapper App
13: Makeup
14: Colour Checker Chart
15: C47 Clips
16: Pony Clamps
17: Headphones, you'd be surprised how often these are forgotten
18: Sandbags
19: Small Step Ladder
20: A Crew, stop trying to do everything yourself ;)


If you're running audio (even if you've hired a sound mixer/op):

22. Backup lav mics
23. Backup wireless transmitters
24. Various audio adapters/cables/splitters... XLR to 1/4"/miniplug/LEMO, XLR barrel connectors, etc.
25. A ground lift: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/968589-REG/spark_el1853_3_to_2_pro...
26. sound blankets (el cheapo: "furni pads" aka moving blankets)

I always bring small bottles of water. That small gesture constantly comes in handy - no matter what the assignment might be: Weddings, location shoots etc. People will become thirsty at one point or another and I'm always prepared for it.

Great article and thanks
Can you tell me the make/model of the clamp that attaches the Cinevate to the Small HD monitor and to the Zoom recorder?

Thanks again